Written by mystathi
with help from mct9017, risuke, irokei, polomo, chasing_haze, and more.
Updated for Version 4.6

Table of Contents
Tartaglia, a.k.a. Childe, is a 5-star Hydro Bow on-field enabler and DPS unit in Genshin Impact. He offers fast Hydro application combined with sustained damage in his Melee Stance and a high-scaling Elemental Burst. Childe excels at rapidly applying large amounts of Hydro, using flexible rotations to fit enemy scenarios, and front-loading the team’s damage to quickly clear the Abyss. This guide reviews Childe’s best builds, best teams, best weapons, best artifacts, synergies, Talents, Constellations, and more!
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Personal damage that scales with more enemies (stronger in AoE scenarios)
- Strong front-loaded damage
- Fast Hydro application
- Downtime that can be used to battery high Energy Cost characters
- Low ER requirements with Ranged Burst
- Not Constellation-reliant
- Flexible team combinations and rotations
- Strong team synergy with off-field damage dealers and supports
- Weaker performance in single-target encounters
- Potentially long downtime at the end of rotations
- Technical rotations that are subjectively hard to play
- Kit that is not optimized to be a hypercarry or sole damage dealer
Why Play Childe?
Childe’s quadratic scaling and AoE abilities allow his teams to focus on AoE damage and multi-target scenarios. His strong front-loaded Vaporized Burst allows for fast clears, and his fast Hydro application in Melee Stance supports his off-field teammates’ damage. Furthermore, his Melee Stance downtime can be used to regain Energy on characters and prepare for the next damage window. Childe himself has a low ER requirement if he uses his Ranged Burst, which further increases the team’s damage.
Childe is not inherently reliant on Constellations, which some may see as a weakness, but it lets players with limited Primogem investment play Childe near his damage ceiling. Childe’s flexible teams and rotations work well at a variety of investment levels.
Whilst Childe teams often excel in AoE scenarios, they often struggle more in single-target or boss encounters. Childe’s front-loaded damage and long rotations mean that the downtime at the end of Childe’s melee period can feel quite long, with limited damage dealt during this time. Childe’s rotations have a learning curve since they often involve reaction setups and careful management of his cooldowns; he requires practice to get the most out of his teams.

Design: euphorysm & cegewinne
Content: irokei & mysthathi
Childe generates Hydro Particles by triggering Riptide Slash or Riptide Flash, with a 3s particle generation cooldown. However, Childe usually generates particles every 3.5–4s due to attack animations and other factors.
Riptide Slash requires a melee attack to hit an enemy marked with Riptide and triggers at minimum every 1.5s. A hit that applies (but does not refresh) Riptide mark in Melee Stance (via Childe’s A4) also triggers Riptide Slash. Thus, approximately every other Riptide Slash generates a particle, starting from the first one.
Riptide Flash requires a Charged Shot to hit any enemy marked with Riptide. A Charged Shot takes 1.5–2s to perform, meaning particles are generated every other Charged Shot if you perform them consecutively.
Childe’s C2 regenerates Flat Energy for himself, which is unaffected by ER%.
Constellation 1 | Foul Legacy: Tide Withholder
Decreases the CD of Foul Legacy: Raging Tide by 20%.
Childe’s C1 provides rotation flexibility that situationally increases his damage. This comes mainly in two forms: reducing the downtime between two melee periods, or increasing the duration of uptime periods without increasing downtime length.
Reducing Downtime (Shorter Rotation)
C1 Childe can melee for the same amount of time as C0 and reduce downtime to create a shorter rotation. This often means that ER requirements increase since there is less downtime to battery your team. Reducing downtime is most helpful when a Boss or wave encounter has harder phases to work around. In variable encounters with immunity phases or wave content, this can be a damage increase over C0.
Increasing Melee Uptime (Longer Enabling)
C1 Childe can better match the uptime of certain off-field DPS units (like Beidou and C4+ Xiangling) by increasing melee uptime without increasing downtime. This technique is best utilized against damage sponges and in scenarios without enemy waves or phases.
DPS Gain: ?%
Constellation 2 | Foul Legacy: Understream
When opponents affected by Riptide are defeated, Tartaglia regenerates 4 Elemental Energy.
Childe’s C2 does not reduce Childe’s ER requirements significantly, if at all. In scenarios where you can trigger this Constellation, it usually isn’t even needed since enemies produce a large amount of particles themselves. In single-target scenarios, this Constellation is insignificant as it does not trigger until after the encounter is over.
DPS Gain: 0%
Constellation 3 | Abyssal Mayhem: Vortex of Turmoil
Increases the Level of Foul Legacy: Raging Tide by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
This Constellation gives a 22% increase to the damage of Childe’s Melee Stance. Over a 28s rotation where Childe Vaporizes his Ranged Burst, this increases his personal damage by 10–12%.
DPS Gain: 10–12%
Constellation 4 | Abyssal Mayhem: Hydrospout
If Tartaglia is in Foul Legacy: Raging Tide’s Melee Stance, triggers Riptide Slash against opponents on the field affected by Riptide every 4s, otherwise, triggers Riptide Flash. Riptide Slashes and Riptide Flashes triggered by this Constellation effect are not subject to the time intervals that would typically apply to these two Riptide effects, nor do they have any effect on those time intervals.
Childe’s C4 increases his damage by up to 7% in a 28s rotation. The first Riptide Slash is triggered 4s after the mark is applied. Note: if you do not use highly specific aura timing (mainly used for Vaporizing), then Childe’s C4 can only be beneficial to you.
This Constellation can be harmful to an on-field DPS Childe by potentially ruining his Vaporized Burst and making Pyro harder to Swirl. However, this rarely affects the first rotation in teams, and it may not be something you experience at all since the window for it to affect auras in subsequent rotations is small.
Childe’s C4 notably allows Childe to become an off-field Hydro applier for Freeze, Hyperbloom, Bloom, or Burgeon teams; however, it doesn’t fully solve Childe’s lack of Hydro application during downtime.
DPS Gain: 0–7%
Constellation 5 | Havoc: Formless Blade
Increases the Level of Havoc: Obliteration by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
This Constellation increases Childe’s Elemental Burst damage by 17%. For a Childe that also performs melee attacks, this Constellation increases his total personal damage by 5% if the Elemental Burst is Vaporized.
DPS Gain: 5%
Constellation 6 | Havoc: Annihilation
When Havoc: Obliteration is cast in Melee Stance, the cooldown of Foul Legacy: Raging Tide is reset. This effect will only take place once Tartaglia returns to his Ranged Stance.
Childe’s final Constellation lets him use his Melee Burst as an opener and allows more room for error during Melee Stance. Consistently using Melee Burst is not sustainable without higher ER% investment on Childe — significantly higher than if he were using Ranged Burst. The need to drop damaging stats for ER% may decrease the value that C6 may provide for you.
Childe’s C6 does not solve issues a player may have with his C0–C5 teams, as those teams are built around his cooldown and do not see a damage increase from adjusting the rotation for C6.
This Constellation does allow him to be played in Dendro teams that need a lot of Hydro application, with downtime only required for refreshing other character’s abilities. Childe’s personal damage is often sacrificed here in favor of his supportive Hydro-application abilities with an ER% Bow.
DPS Gain: ?%
Read this guide on how to use Genshin Optimizer for Childe.
Talent Priority
Elemental Skill ≥ Elemental Burst > Normal Attack
Childe’s Talent priority depends on his playstyle. Most players focus on melee Childe, so his Elemental Skill is prioritized. However, against weaker content or in speedruns, Childe’s Elemental Burst becomes more important, so you can level them evenly. Childe’s Normal Attack should never be ignored since it increases Charged Shot and Riptide damage, but it is a lower priority than his other Talents.
You should generally choose artifacts for Childe with this priority:
Main Stat > Substat > Set Bonus
This order prioritizes the attributes of artifacts that provide the greatest increase to Childe’s damage.
Artifact Stats
![]() Sands | ![]() Goblet | ![]() Circlet |
ATK% | Hydro DMG Bonus | CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG |
An ATK% Sands is almost always better than an EM Sands for Childe, except when he uses Hunter’s Path or in a Burst-only Vaporize build. Use Genshin Optimizer to figure out which is best for your situation.
ER% (until requirement) > CRIT > ATK% > EM > Flat ATK
Ranged Burst | Melee Burst (Not Recommended) | |
No Charged Shots (Not Recommended) | 125–145% | 195–225% |
1 Charged Shot | 115–130% | 180–205% |
2 Charged Shots | 110–120% | 165–190% |
3 Charged Shots | 100–110% | 155–175% |
- Favonius weapons on a teammate lower ER requirements by ~10–15% with each trigger.
- Increasing melee uptime to 11s lowers ER requirements by ~10–15%.
- A second Hydro unit in the team lowers ER requirements by up to ~60%.
- Use the Energy Recharge Calculator to determine exact requirements for your team and rotation.
Artifact Sets
You should farm or strongbox the recommended artifact sets. You can use the viable sets if you obtained them from farming for other characters, but they are generally weaker than the recommended options. You should not use any of the unrecommended sets since they are weak or have significant downsides.
- 4pc Nymph’s Dream
- 2pc Hydro DMG%
- 2pc ATK%
- 4pc Emblem of Severed Fate
- 4pc Heart of Depth
- 4pc Wanderer’s Troupe
- 2pc EM
- 2pc Emblem of Severed Fate
- 2pc Marechaussee Hunter
- 2pc Noblesse Oblige
- 4pc Echoes of an Offering
- 4pc Golden Troupe
- 4pc Shimenawa’s Reminiscence
- 2pc Golden Troupe
- 4pc Blizzard Strayer is strong only in Freeze teams.
- 4pc Thundersoother is strong only in Electro-Charged teams.
With Bennett
Best | Polar Star ≥ Aqua Simulacra = Hunter’s Path = Skyward Harp = Thundering Pulse > The First Great Magic |
Great | Amos’ Bow = Viridescent Hunt ≥ Scion of the Blazing Sun |
Good | Mouun’s Moon = Prototype Crescent (pre-stacked) > Fading Twilight = Blackcliff Warbow ≥ The Stringless = King’s Squire |
Average | Elegy for the End = Rust = Hamayumi |
Weak | Alley Hunter = Prototype Crescent |
- Rotation: Q E + 3[mN2C] 2[mN3C] (%Riptide Slash).
- Buffs assume a generalized rotation
- Weapon Calcs [Notice: These calcs could not be verified by KQM since they were performed in Python. They are included here for your interest, but please do not screenshot them or use them to support claims about a weapon’s exact viability or performance level.]
Other Bows
If the Bow is not listed here, it is either new or not strong on Childe and should be replaced by another Bow as soon as possible. New players may use Slingshot on Childe, but it should be replaced with a craftable Bow when possible. Weapons that rely on healing like Range Gauge and Song of Stillness are inconsistent with Bennett, so they are generally not recommended on Childe.
Team Compositions
Tartaglia Guide Page 2 is currently in the process of being updated (last updated: Version 2.7). Please join the KQM Discord for more information.
Page 1 Credits
Writing: mystathi, mct9017, risuke
Calculations: mystathi, risuke
TC Contributors: mystathi, ioannesfifth, mct9017, risuke, chasing_haze
Editing: irokei, polomo
Transcriber: chasing_haze
Page 1 References
- Childe Optimizer Guide
- Energy Recharge Calculator
- Melee Cooldown Table
- Melee Duration Calculator
- Polar Star and Nymph’s Dream Stacking Methods
- Weapon Calcs [Notice: These calcs could not be verified by KQM since they were performed in Python. They are included here for your interest, but please do not screenshot them or use them to support claims about a weapon’s exact viability or performance level.]