Partnered Servers
At KQM, we aim to cultivate a community that can provide accurate and helpful information. Partnered Theorycrafting Network members are servers which KQM work closely with to provide this information.
The following servers are trusted by KQM, but do NOT represent the views and opinions of KQM.
- Childe Mains https://discord.gg/Childe
- Diluc Mains https://discord.gg/VEkz4n9rBh
- Furina Mains https://discord.gg/furinamains
- Ganyu Mains https://discord.gg/ganyumains
- Gcsim https://discord.gg/m7jvjdxx7q
- Genshin Goats https://discord.gg/5HrH46kW9s
- Genshin Impact Tavern https://discord.gg/genshinimpacttavern
- Genshin Impact Trading Card Game https://discord.gg/GITCG
- Genshin Optimizer https://discord.gg/CXUbQXyfUs
- Genshin Wizard https://discord.gg/GenshinWizard
- Golden House https://discord.gg/thegoldenhouse
- Layla Mains discord.gg/laylamains
- Lisa Mains https://discord.gg/5SYy4MPPCt
- Wangsheng Funeral Parlor https://discord.gg/hutao
- Xiao Mains https://discord.gg/Xiao
- Yae Miko Mains https://discord.gg/H99SEtmEry
Genshin Affiliate Servers
Affiliates are servers that do NOT reflect KQM’s TC but collaborate on events, giveaways, and more. KQM’s goal is to work with affiliates to create more community interaction and outreach.
The following servers are generally reputable and trusted, but do NOT represent the views and opinions of KQM.
- Albedo Mains https://discord.gg/uHV2ZCfPXU
- Alhaitham Mains https://discord.gg/haitham
- Hoyoverse Rendering https://discord.gg/85rP9SpAkF
- Ayaka Mains https://discord.gg/AyakaMains
- Barbara Mains https://discord.gg/6vVQcsrAgN
- Bennett Mains https://discord.gg/qrjeEyejsd
- Celetia https://discord.gg/celestia
- Chongyun Mains https://discord.gg/yUc6uDHyJ
- Data Gathering https://discord.gg/ydwdYmr
- Dehya Mains https://discord.gg/dehya
- Eula Mains https://discord.gg/Eula
- Fischl Mains https://discord.gg/JSN9Rk2sWe
- Genshin Dev https://discord.gg/8Hpz2F7AnR
- Genshin Tea House https://discord.gg/GenshinTeahouse
- Hutao’s Corner https://discord.gg/hutaoscorner
- Klee Mains https://discord.gg/klee
- Mona Mains https://discord.gg/uxVEDkTyR
- Nilou Mains https://discord.gg/Niloumains
- Noelle Mains https://discord.gg/kvft4TKFet
- Raiden Mains https://discord.gg/raidenmains
- Razor Mains https://discord.gg/4BzHdAzHGR
- Rosaria Mains https://discord.gg/TBRBV3WCvB
- Shenhe Mains https://discord.gg/9waXTzWdVP
- Travel Guides of Teyvat https://discord.gg/travelguides
- Venti Mains https://discord.gg/VentiMains
- Zhongli Mains https://discord.gg/Zhongli
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