KQM 40K Lantern Rite Celebration Event
Quicklink: Discord: https://discord.gg/keqing
Prizes and Giveaway Rules | KQM (keqingmains.com)
Events Submission Form
Event Calendar – Click here to see when the next event will occur in your region!

- Welcome to the KeqingMains 40K Lantern Rite Celebration!
- This celebration will take place between April 10th, 2021 to April 17th, 2021. We will begin the celebration by launching a precursor announcement with the time and date for the celebration stream.
- There will be many contests, events, and raffles to giveaway $650USD worth of prizes
- The prizes up for grabs will be 50 x Battle Passes and 30 x Welkins
- Thank you to our anonymous donor for the Battle Pass donation and thank you to our KQM Patrons for helping sponsor the Welkins
Team System
In order to foster a competitive spirit in this celebrative season of KeqingMains, we are adding a 3-way team competition to the festivities. Every user will have the chance to join 1 of the following 3 teams:
- Doug’s Dimmadome, led by Cenpi
- Flat Teyvat Society, led by Fluffy
- Thunderclap Feet, led by Tuna
Once the festivities begin, a user will not be able to join a new team but they will be able to participate in events still. These teams will earn points through the various events of KQM’s Lantern Rite. They will each have their own Discord channel for the duration of the event and a colored role. The team with the most points at the event will be entered into an exclusive team giveaway and will be able to keep their team role for another month.
What do the team leads do? We are there to inspire our teams, drive participation, and help push our buddies to take our team to first place. The hope with this system is to add another layer to the celebration and encourage more people to participate.
Events (click for calendar)
Event 1 – Spot the Keqing #1
- Prize pool: 2 Welkins
- Team Points: 1 per winner
- Rules
- Scavenger Hunt!
- During the KQM 40K Celebration Livestream, we will put up 2 images of Keqing in various spots around the map. (Will occur between segments)
- Send us a picture in #events-general (discord channel in the Party Category) of the map location and your character standing there! The first person to do so will win a Welkin
- The first 2 people to find each of the 2 locations on the map will receive a Welkin
- 2 winners, no duplicates
Event 2 – KQM Kahoot #1
- Prize pool: 1 BPs, 2 Welkins
- Team Points: 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
- Rules
- Keqing Mains Kahoot!
- During the KQM 40K Celebration Livestream, we will do 2 rounds of Kahoot, this is the first round.
- The 1st place winner will receive a BP, 2nd and 3rd place will each receive a Welkin
- 3 winners total, no duplicates
Event 3 – Race to Dragonspine
The Dragonspine race event has begun! Grab your favorite team, grab your favorite stamina foods, and grab your favorite speedrunner shoes! Your goal is to go from the Dragonspine Base Camp teleporter to the top of Sky Nail as fast as possible!
- Prize pool: 3 BPs
- Team Points: 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
- Rules:
- Race Event Part 1!
- Start from Dragonspine Base Camp and go to the top of Sky Nail
- No teleporters or Statue of Seven allowed
- Any food or characters are allowed, but roster cannot be changed after beginning the race
- Teleport to the Dragonspine Base Camp point, you may use any food/buffs. The timer starts when you move off the point at which you spawned beside the teleporter.
- 3 winners, no duplicates
- Form submission with discord ID and video link
- Video requires a timer
- Deadline: Wednesday April 14 at 12pm EST
- Click here for Submission Form
Event 4 – Nuking Event
Do you have excess muscle that you wish to flex? Now is the perfect time to do so! Introducing the KQM Nuking Event! This is a solo event in which players compete to reach the highest numbers possible, for the chance to win BP and Welkin rewards. However, there is a twist; there are significant obstacles holding players back from their true potential.
- Prize pool: 1 BPs, 2 Welkins
- Team Points: 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
- Rules
- Whales are only eligible for Welkin rewards. If you’re a whale in first place, your BP will be defaulted to the next non-whale winner and you will win a Welkin instead.
- Any food or target is allowed
- Overworld only, no Abyss
- No decreasing world level
- During the recording, please open up your namecard so that we can verify your world level and Adventure Rank
- You can only use 4* characters
- You must use lvl 1 2* weapons and +0 2* artifacts only
- No co-op submissions
- Submissions must be in video format and show equipment before/after the run.
- Submissions must be in video format and sent via a YouTube link. Editing or tampering footage is not allowed unless it is to add a timer or music.
- We will only record the highest single hit number, multi hits are not counted.
- Deadline: Wednesday April 14 at 12pm EST
- Click here for Submission Form
Event 5 – Fanart Competition
Have you felt like you could give Albedo a run for his money in terms of art prowess? For those keen on taking the title of Chalk Prince from him, look no further! Introducing the Fanart Competition, where you can submit any original artwork you make to win some juicy rewards!
- Prize pool: 3 BPs
- Team Points: 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
- Rules
- Must be ORIGINAL fanart
- Must be safe for work
- Can be hand drawn or digital
- All submitted artwork will be available for viewing, and the top 3 (decided by our panel of judges) will win a Battle Pass each!
- One of the top 3 submissions will feature Keqing
- A panel of judges will vote for their personal top 3, these votes are then tallied
- Deadline: Friday April 16 at 12pm EST
- Click here for Submission Form
Event 6 – Fanfiction Competition
Ever read the character story of your character and wish there was more to it? Or do you wonder what Lisa does when she’s not busy climbing, or what Klee really gets up to in the confinement room or what’s really under Kaeya’s eyepatch? Well wonder no further, this is the competition for you! Introducing the fanfiction competition, where budding writers can let their imaginations run wild in the world of Teyvat! Now, you can run the scenarios of your favourite characters on the most powerful graphics chip of all – your imagination. So, what are you waiting for? Drop your socks and grab your crocs and plunge into the vast world of writing!
- Prize pool: 3 BPs
- Team Points: 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
- Rules
- Has to be safe for work
- Can be any genre
- Has to be genshin related
- One of the 3 prize winners selected will feature Keqing in their fanfiction
- Submissions must be 500-25000 words
- A panel of judges will vote for their personal top 3, these votes are then tallied
- Deadline: Friday April 16 at 12pm EST
- Click here for Submission Form
Event 7 – Theorycrafting Library Submission Raffle
Shoutout to all the Theorycrafters in KQM, the foundation which the server was built on! In order to celebrate the TC side of the server, during the course of the celebrations any new contributions to our theorycrafting libraries will result in the names of said mad-scientist of the Teyvat world to be put up for a raffle, in which 4 welkins will be up for grabs! Completing a submission counts as an entry, approval of said submission counts as another entry, and if that entry is a theory hunt (found in #theory-hunt), you get a third entry! There is no limit to the number of tickets you can make, so put on your thinking caps and contribute to our theorycrafting library!
- Prize pool: 4 Welkins
- Team Points: N/A
- Rules
- Submissions to the TC library will be entered into a raffle
- Only submissions submitted past the announcement date of this event will be considered
- For more information on submissions please check the #events-info channel
- You may direct questions about the submissions to Wangsheng Theorycrafting Staff
- Winners will be announced live on stream and contacted via DMs by Doug
- Deadline: Friday April 16 at 12pm EST
Event 8 – Lore Character Submission Raffle
What better way to make the world of Teyvat even richer than diving into the deep libraries and mysteries of lore? Introducing the Lore Event, where over the course of the week of celebration, users will be able to contribute to the vast libraries of lore surrounding Genshin!
- Prize pool: 4 Welkins
- Team Points: N/A
- Rules
- Users can submit an entry in #40k-event-submission channel in the Lore Category following a set template
- At the end of a week, a raffle will be drawn amongst those who have made a submission
- Detailed instructions found here: KQM 40k Lantern Rite Lore Raffle Submission Rules – Google Docs
- In order to participate, please head over to the Lore category and grab the lore role from #lore-readme. Once you have the role you will be able to see the details of the submission event in #40k-event-submission. If you have any problems with obtaining the lore role or any questions about the event, please DM or @TunaPotato
- Deadline: Monday April 19 at 12pm EST
Event 9 – Interesting Run Event
Tired of the same old whale speedruns? Wish you can see more variety than Bennett assisted nukes? Now you can with the KQM Interesting Run Event! This will be similar to the AOT Qiqi Event that the KQM Theorycrafting Pillar had run several weeks ago. You may submit your most creative attempt of clearing the Valley of Remembrance and a panel of 3 judges will individually select their favorite submission. Enter for a chance to win Welkin rewards! Good luck travelers, may your submissions be full of drip.
- Prize pool: 3 Welkins
- Team Points: 1 point for each winner
- Rules
- Clear the highest level of Valley of Remembrance in the most creative way you can
- Fluffy, Cenpi, and Tuna will separately decide their favorite run to receive a Welkin
- No character, weapon, artifact, or food restrictions
- Being the fastest doesn’t guarantee your victory, so be creative!
- Deadline: Thursday, April 15 at 12pm EST
- Click here for Submission Form
Event 10 – Fan Video Competition
Love watching videos? Ever think you’d be a pretty good videomaker yourself? Well now is your chance! Introducing the Fan Video competition, where participants will be able to make a video celebrating everything we love about KQM! Event Details: – Make a video celebrating an aspect of what KQM represents (ie Keqing, Theorycrafting or the KQM discord in general) – The length of the video is up to the videomaker’s discretion (however please take into consideration the time of the judges and keep it at a reasonable length!) All submitted videos will be available for viewing for everyone, and the top 3 will be decided by our panel of judges which will get the reward of a Battle Pass each! Note that if deemed suitable, a submission has the possibility of being the introduction video for our very own KQM youtube channel! So, what are you waiting for, future Quentin Tarantino? Take the world by storm!
- Prize pool: 3 BPs
- Team Points: 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
- Rules
- Make a video celebrating an aspect of what KQM represents (ie Keqing, Theorycrafting or the KQM discord in general)
- The length of the video is up to the videomaker’s discretion (however please take into consideration the time of the judges and keep it at a reasonable length!)
- A panel of judges will vote for their personal top 3, these votes are then tallied
- Must be a Youtube link submission
- Deadline: Friday April 16 at 12pm EST
- Click here for Submission Form
Event 11 – Fake Leaks Competition
Ever had trouble discerning a real leak from potential fake ones? Have you ever thought how great it would be to have more fake leaks? Well my friend, you have come to the right place! Introducing the Fake Leak competition, where competitors will endeavour to concoct the most believable fake leak they can to confuse even the most seasoned of leakers. Winners will be decided by our elusive panel of judges, and all entries will be available for reading by everyone! 3 Battle Passes will be up for grabs for the most devious of leakers.
- Prize pool: 3 BPs
- Team Points: 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
- Rules
- Must be safe for work
- Nothing to do with developers build or any related content
- Knock yourself out! Can be anything related to genshin (ie fake characters, artifact sets, mechanics etc)
- Please try to be original
- Any dev build involvement is an automatic disqualification
- Deadline: Friday April 16 at 12pm EST
- Click here for Submission Form
Event 12 – Race from Mondstadt to Liyue
The race event part 2 has begun! Grab your favorite team, grab your favorite stamina foods, and grab your favorite speedrunner shoes! Your goal is to go from the entrance of the Mondstadt Church to the deck of the Ocean Pearl as fast as possible! Your run should be submitted as a video with a timer!
- Prize pool: 3 BPs
- Team Points: 3 points for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
- Rules
- Race Event Part 2!
- Start from Mondstadt Church entrance to the deck of The Ocean Pearl
- No teleporters or Statue of Seven allowed
- Using Pinghai (boatman teleport) is allowed
- Load times are not counted towards your total time, but do not edit out any load screens
- Any food or characters are allowed, but roster cannot be changed after beginning the race
- 3 winners, no duplicates
- Form submission with discord ID and video link
- Video requires a timer
- Click here for Submission Form
- Deadline: Friday April 16 at 12pm EST
Event 13 – Speedrun Event
Bored with Genshin Impact? Feeling up for a challenge? Now introducing the KQM Speedrun Event! You can team up with 3 other players or go by yourself to challenge every overworld elite boss, for the chance to win BP and Welkin rewards. Winning submissions will be reviewed on the KQM Twitch channel once submissions are closed. Good luck travelers, may your runs be speedy and glorious.
- Prize pool: 5 BPs, 5 Welkins
- Team Points: 2 points for 1st place team/person, 1 point for runner up team/person
- Rules
- The order of bosses is Pyro Regisvine > Geo Hypostasis > Electro Hypostasis > Cryo Regisvine > Anemo Hypostasis > Oceanid > Primo Geovishap
- The timer starts when the health bar of the Pyro Regisvine appears and ends when the health bar of the Primo Geovishap disappears
- All 4 members of the team must be present in a boss’ arena when the boss dies.
- You may start the boss without all 4 members present (ie if one or more members are still in a loading screen).
- Pausing the timer for load screens is not allowed for this event.
- No food or 5* weapons/characters are allowed
- You may not change units midway through the run
- Submissions must show equipment before/after the run. For coop submissions, the other players gear should be shown as clips edited onto the end of the video
- Click here for Submission Form
- Deadline: Friday April 16 at 12pm EST
Event 14 – Final Giveaway
- Prize pool: 19 BPs, 5 Welkins
- Team Points: N/A
- Rules: Anyone in the server is eligible! One entry per person.
Event 15 – Winning Team (Doug’s Dimmadome) Giveaway
- Prize pool: 5 BPs
- Team Points: Congrats to Doug’s Dimmadome on winning the most team points in our 40K event!
- Rules: Anyone in Doug’s Dimmadome is eligible! One entry per person.