Cola Senami creates content on Genshin Impact Theorycrafting and Lore (sometimes ASMR?) for Youtube. A variety streamer on Twitch.
Focuses primarily on high-end Xingqiu and Bennett gameplay along with many other 4* units. If you're interested in seeing nukes, memes or anything in between, this channel has you covered.
General gameplay featuring end-game content clears, story, whale pulls and the occassional variety stream.
Keqing Main speedrunning with Electro waifus
General gaming channel focused on Genshin currently, focused on clips and showcase videos. Longer analysis videos soonTM. Keyboard sound test videos sometimes.
Theorycrafting clickbaiter KeqL
Xiao, Xingqui, and GeoMC Main. Also uploads memes when lazy and editing timelapses from Feiyun (KQM YT). Uploads in 8K120FPS.

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