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Ayato Quick Guide

Updated for Version 4.2
Ayato Official Art

Ayato is a 5-star Hydro Sword character in Genshin Impact who uses his Elemental Skill and Burst to deal considerable Hydro damage. He is a flexible and versatile Hydro DPS unit. Learn about Ayato’s best builds, best weapons, best artifacts, and best teams in this quick guide.

Note that the information given may change if new discoveries are made. More extensive testing is in progress.

The full-length guide is available here. It is currently being updated.

New Content

Furina is a good option in Ayato’s Mono Hydro and Hypercarry teams, granted there is teamwide healing provided from a unit like Kokomi or Jean. She also helps lower Ayato’s ER requirements.

Charlotte is a comfort pick in Ayato’s Freeze teams. She is generally not recommended.

Lynette is a viable option in Ayato’s non-Dendro teams thanks to her Taunt and AoE Elemental application (depending on which Element her Burst absorbs).

Baizhu is a strong defensive choice and good buffer in Ayato’s Dendro-related teams. He is one of two healing Dendro options available in Nilou Bloom.

Yaoyao is a 4-star alternative to Baizhu. She provides 15s of AoE Dendro application and healing with her Skill. She does not need to worry about using her Burst (except for emergency healing), which removes any need to build ER.

Ayato is a great Hydro option in Nilou Bloom teams.

Splendor of Tranquil Waters
Splendor of Tranquil Waters is a good option for Ayato if you have a spare. It performs on par with R5 Black Sword and R1 Light of Foliar Incision.

Finale of the Deep
Finale of the Deep can be a good free option for Ayato in teams with strong healers (e.g., Bennett or Kokomi). 

Further testing is needed to determine its exact viability.

Light of Foliar Incision
Light of Foliar Incision is a strong option for Ayato. It generally performs on par with R5 Black Sword, but it improves with EM buffs (e.g., Sucrose’s A1/A4, Kazuha’s C2, Nahida’s A1).

Nymph’s Dream
4pc Nymph’s Dream is a great option, performing on par with 4pc Gladiator’s Finale and 4pc Heart of Depth. Ayato can usually reach only 2 stacks, unless his clone deals damage to an enemy.


Credits to: angtahimik, luno_, and KQM Staff

Character Overview


  • Strong, consistent damage output in both multi-target and single-target scenarios
  • Valuable on-field and off-field Hydro application
  • Wide variety of team compositions
  • Multiple Resin-efficient artifact options
  • High viability without Constellations


  • 12s Skill cooldown resulting in 24–25s rotations which do not sync well with most other characters’ cooldowns
  • Free-to-play weapon selection that performs significantly worse than other options
  • Lack of front-loaded damage without Constellations
  • Competition from other Hydro units
  • Team compositions that require highly-contested teammates


Ayato is primarily an on-field DPS unit, but he does have some off-field potential via his Burst. This quick guide focuses on Ayato’s on-field playstyle.

On-Field DPS

As an on-field DPS, Ayato generally uses two Elemental Skills per Burst. He can enable or trigger Elemental Reactions in his teams.

Off-Field Burst DPS

As an off-field Burst DPS, Ayato uses only one Skill per Burst to decrease his field time. Instead, he capitalizes on his Burst’s off-field AoE Hydro application to enable different reactions.


Level and Talent Priority

Skill ≥ Level 90 > Burst

Level 90 is recommended to maximize the damage from Ayato’s Namisen stacks. Ayato does not need to level his Normal Attack Talent since the damage from his Shunsuiken attacks (Hydro-infused Normal Attacks after using his Skill) scales with his Elemental Skill Talent.

Talent Overview

Normal Attack
Normal Attack | Kamisato Art: Marobashi

Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to dash forward and perform an iai.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Ayato’s Hydro-infused Normal Attacks do not scale with his Normal Attack Talent. His Physical Normal Attacks are never used in combat.

Elemental Skill
Elemental Skill | Kamisato Art: Kyouka

Kamisato Ayato shifts positions and enters the Takimeguri Kanka state.
After this shift, he will leave a watery illusion at his original location. After it is formed, the watery illusion will explode if opponents are nearby or after its duration ends, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.

Takimeguri Kanka
In this state, Kamisato Ayato uses his Shunsuiken to engage in blindingly fast attacks, causing DMG from his Normal Attacks to be converted into AoE Hydro DMG. This cannot be overridden.
It also has the following properties

  • After a Shunsuiken attack hits an opponent, it will grant Ayato the Namisen effect, increasing the DMG dealt by Shunsuiken based on Ayato’s current Max HP. The initial maximum number of Namisen stacks is 4, and 1 stack can be gained through Shunsuiken every 0.1s. This effect will be dispelled when Takimeguri Kanka ends.
  • Kamisato Ayato’s resistance to interruption is increased.
  • Unable to use Charged or Plunging Attacks.

Takimeguri Kanka will be cleared when Ayato leaves the field. Using Kamisato Art: Kyouka again while in the Takimeguri Kanka state will reset and replace the pre-existing state.

Ayato’s Elemental Skill provides the bulk of his damage. After casting his Skill, Ayato can perform 15 consecutive Shunsuiken attacks at C0. These attacks generate Hydro Particles and apply Hydro. Shunsuiken attacks have a noticeably large AoE, which means that Ayato can still hit enemies who are not tightly grouped.

Note that you can hold down the Normal Attack button to perform Shunsuiken attacks. You do not have to individually perform each Shunsuiken attack.

Elemental Burst
Elemental Burst | Kamisato Art: Suiyuu

Unveils a garden of purity that silences the cacophony within.
While this space exists, Bloomwater Blades will constantly rain down and attack opponents within its AoE, dealing Hydro DMG and increasing the Normal Attack DMG of characters within.

Ayato’s Elemental Burst deals AoE Hydro damage through Bloomwater Blades, which we refer to as droplets. Characters within the Burst radius gain a Normal Attack DMG Bonus.

Droplet Targeting

Enemies within the Burst’s AoE are targeted by droplets for 18s. The droplets are summoned in waves, with a maximum of 4 droplets per wave, and a maximum total of 36 droplets altogether. Each enemy within the Burst AoE for its entire duration is guaranteed to be hit by 9 droplets, with a random amount of additional hits occurring depending on enemy size.

Quadratic Scaling

Individual droplets deal damage in a small AoE. Enemies that are grouped closely enough can take damage from droplets that target another enemy. This results in quadratic scaling damage; that is, the number of damage instances from droplets can equal the number of enemies if they are grouped closely enough. For Ayato’s Burst, the quadratic scaling effect caps at 4 enemies.

Ascension 1 Passive
Ascension 1 Passive | Kamisato Art: Mine Wo Matoishi Kiyotaki

Kamisato Art: Kyouka has the following properties:

  • After it is used, Kamisato Ayato will gain 2 Namisen stacks.
  • When the water illusion explodes, Ayato will gain a Namisen effect equal to the maximum number of stacks possible.

Ayato’s A1 Passive lets him start out with 2 Namisen stacks after casting his Elemental Skill. When his clone explodes, he gains the maximum amount possible of Namisen stacks (4 or 5 depending on Constellation).

Ascension 4 Passive
Ascension 4 Passive | Kamisato Art: Michiyuku Hagetsu

If Kamisato Ayato is not on the field and his Energy is less than 40, he will regenerate 2 Energy for himself every second.

Ayato’s A4 Passive can help lower his ER requirements. The Energy generated from this passive is Flat Energy, which is not affected by ER% stats.


Ayato’s C2 and C3 are good stopping points before going for C6. It is not worth pulling solely for his C1.
Calcs for Constellation comparisons can be found here (last updated for Version 4.6).

Constellation 1
Constellation 1 | Kyouka Fuushi

Shunsuiken DMG is increased by 40% against opponents with 50% HP or less.

Ayato’s C1 is unreliable and dependent on enemy health. It has a minuscule impact on his damage in most cases.

Constellation 2
Constellation 2 | World Source

Namisen’s maximum stack count is increased to 5. When Kamisato Ayato has at least 3 Namisen stacks, his Max HP is increased by 50%.

Ayato’s C2 increases his usual cumulative Namisen stack damage from 57 stacks to 69 (assuming 15 Shunsuiken attacks per Skill), resulting in a significant damage increase. It also increases his Max HP by 50% if he has at least 3 active stacks.

Constellation 3
Constellation 3 | To Admire the Flowers

Increases the Level of Kamisato Art: Kyouka by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Ayato’s C3 is quite strong since it increases the damage from his Skill, the primary source of his damage. This Constellation also synergizes with his C2.

Constellation 4
Constellation 4 | Endless Flow

After using Kamisato Art: Suiyuu, all nearby party members will have 15% increased Normal Attack SPD for 15s.

Ayato’s C4 increases the whole team’s Normal Attack SPD, which allows him to perform 2–3 more Shunsuiken attacks per Skill. This results in a solid overall damage increase.

Constellation 5
Constellation 5 | Bansui Ichiro

Increases the Level of Kamisato Art: Suiyuu by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Ayato’s C5 increases his Burst’s damage, which results in a minor damage buff.

Constellation 6
Constellation 6 | Boundless Origin

After using Kamisato Art: Kyouka, Ayato’s next Shunsuiken attack will create 2 extra Shunsuiken strikes when they hit opponents, each one dealing 450% of Ayato’s ATK as DMG.

Both these Shunsuiken attacks will not be affected by Namisen.

Ayato’s C6 provides a large amount of front-loaded damage after using his Skill, resulting in a considerable damage increase.


ER Requirements

For an on-field DPS playstyle, refer to the 2 Skill Uses rows. For an off-field Burst DPS playstyle, refer to the 1 Skill Use row.

2 Skill Uses — With Fischl130–140%
2 Skill Uses — No Fischl150–170%
1 Skill Use — Double Hydro140–150%
1 Skill Use — Solo Hydro200%+
  • Teammate Favonius procs reduce ER requirements by 10–15%.
  • Electro Resonance lowers ER requirements by 5–10%.

Use the Energy Recharge Calculator to determine exact requirements for your team and rotation.

Artifact Stats



ATK% or Energy RechargeHydro DMG BonusCRIT Rate or CRIT DMG

Stat Priority: ER% until requirement > CRIT > ATK% > HP%

An ER% Sands can be used to meet Ayato’s ER requirements if he is used as an off-field Burst DPS.

While Ayato can make use of HP% substats, they should not be prioritized over CRIT or ATK%.

Artifact Sets

We recommend that you use Genshin Optimizer to compare your actual artifacts.

Calcs for artifact comparisons can be found here (last updated for Version 4.6).

Recommended Sets

All of these sets perform similarly. Choose the option that has the best substats for your account.

4pc Heart of Depth
4pc Heart of Depth is one of Ayato’s best sets. It usually performs better without additional Hydro DMG Bonus from teammates or Ayato’s weapon.

4pc Gladiator’s Finale
4pc Gladiator’s Finale is another top contender. It performs slightly better with weapons that provide less ATK but more DMG% stats.

4pc Nymph’s Dream
4pc Nymph’s Dream is a great option, performing on par with 4pc Gladiator’s Finale and 4pc Heart of Depth. Ayato can usually reach only 2 stacks, unless his clone deals damage to an enemy.

2pc + 2pc Combinations
2pc Hydro DMG% + 2pc ATK%
2pc Hydro DMG% + 2pc Hydro DMG%
2pc ATK% + 2pc ATK%

These combinations of 2pc sets can be as strong as the aforementioned 4pc sets depending on substats. Depending on your artifact farming practices, these may be your best option.

Use Genshin Optimizer to compare your actual artifacts.

Niche Sets

These sets depend on different circumstances to be viable.

4pc Echoes of an Offering
4pc Echoes of an Offering is only recommended if you have consistent ping below 100ms. The 4pc effect activation rate is inconsistent at higher ping.

Echoes of an Offering is not generally recommended to farm. It performs just slightly better than the recommended sets above even if you can effectively use it. Its Domain is also typically less Resin-efficient.

4pc Thundering Fury
4pc Thundering Fury is an option in Electro-Charged teams with 2 Electro characters (primarily Fischl and Beidou). In these teams specifically, its 4pc effect reduces Ayato’s Skill cooldown enough to perform consecutive Skill uses without a 6s break. 

The DPS increase from using this set is minor (around 5–6%); however, it is noted here if you already have a good set or think the playstyle is fun.

4pc Blizzard Strayer
4pc Blizzard Strayer is only viable in Freeze teams. It outperforms other options assuming high Freeze uptime. 

It may be better for Ayato’s Cryo teammates to hold 4pc Blizzard Strayer instead and for Ayato to hold one of his recommended sets above, depending on your artifact availability.

4pc Emblem of Severed Fate
4pc Emblem of Severed Fate is recommended for Ayato if he is the only Hydro character and he serves as an off-field Burst DPS unit. Nonetheless, any of his recommended sets perform similarly if you can meet his ER requirements.


Calcs for weapon comparisons can be found here (last updated for Version 4.6).

Haran Geppaku Futsu
Haran Geppaku Futsu is Ayato’s Best-in-Slot. It provides Ayato with a myriad of beneficial stats.

Primordial Jade Cutter
Primordial Jade Cutter is Ayato’s second-strongest weapon. It provides high CRIT Rate and an unconditional passive effect.

Mistsplitter Reforged
Mistsplitter Reforged is Ayato’s third-best option. Ayato can struggle to maintain maximum stacks in his typical rotations, which makes it fall further behind his top two picks.

It does perform relatively stronger in off-field Burst DPS playstyles, however.

Splendor of Tranquil Waters
Splendor of Tranquil Waters is a good option for Ayato if you have a spare. It performs on par with R5 Black Sword and R1 Light of Foliar Incision.

Light of Foliar Incision
Light of Foliar Incision is a strong option for Ayato. It generally performs on par with R5 Black Sword, but its viability improves with EM buffs (e.g., Sucrose’s A1/A4, Kazuha’s C2, Nahida’s A1).

Skyward Blade
Skyward Blade helps meet Ayato’s ER requirements and performs roughly on par with R1 Black Sword. Ayato can execute a couple more slashes per Skill thanks to the Attack SPD buff from its passive.

Black Sword
The Black Sword is Ayato’s strongest 4-star weapon option. It provides a valuable CRIT Rate secondary stat and a Normal Attack DMG Bonus.

Refinements from R1 to R5 only result in a 6–7% DPS increase.

Kagotsurube Isshin
Kagotsurube Isshin is Ayato’s best free option, available from Kazuha’s second Story Quest. It provides ATK stats and not much else.

Ayato can snapshot its passive effect onto his Burst, so perform a single Normal Attack at the beginning of his rotations if you are using this weapon.

Harbinger of Dawn
R5 Harbinger of Dawn is a strong option only if you can keep Ayato above 90% Max HP. It performs on par with Black Sword R1 in these circumstances. However, it is unusual for Ayato to maintain the passive effect due to his on-field presence and typical teammate selection.

Lion’s Roar
In Electro-Charged teams only, Lion’s Roar is a strong 4-star option for Ayato. In other cases, it performs very poorly.

Amenoma Kageuchi is not recommended for Ayato over Kagotsurube Isshin.


This is not a comprehensive list of teams. The inclusion or exclusion of any given team does not necessarily reflect its power level.

  • N = Normal Attack
  • C = Charged Attack
  • A = Aimed Shot
  • P = Plunging Attack
  • E = Elemental Skill
  • tE = Tap Skill
  • hE = Hold Skill
  • Q = Elemental Burst
  • D = dash cancel
  • J = jump cancel
  • W = walk cancel
  • > = switch character
  • ( ) = these actions are optional; please refer to the notes below
  • [ ] = repeat these actions the specified number of times



Ayato currently shines in Dendro teams. One or two Dendro teammates can be used in his Hyperbloom, Burgeon, and Nilou Bloom teams.

Nahida is an excellent teammate in Ayato’s Hyperbloom, Burgeon, and Nilou Bloom teams. She provides strong Dendro application, personal damage, and an EM buff.

Baizhu is a strong defensive choice and good buffer in Ayato’s Dendro-related teams. He is one of two healing Dendro options available in Nilou Bloom.

Yaoyao is a 4-star alternative to Baizhu. She provides 15s of AoE Dendro application and healing with her Skill. She does not need to worry about using her Burst (except for emergency healing), which removes any need to build ER.

Collei is a great free option in Ayato’s Dendro-related teams since her cooldowns line up well. It can be difficult to position her Burst correctly, but she is a good option nonetheless.

She is viable in Nilou Bloom teams, granted the other Dendro option is Baizhu or Yaoyao.

Dendro Traveler
Dendro Traveler is a good free option in Ayato’s Dendro teams thanks to their 15s Burst duration. 

In Burgeon teams, their Elemental Burst must make contact with Hydro before Pyro to avoid exploding the Burst prematurely.

Kirara is a viable option in Nilou Bloom teams as a secondary Dendro teammate.

Anemo units are strongly recommended in Ayato’s non-Dendro teams due to their ability to hold 4pc Viridescent Venerer (which shreds enemy Hydro RES with Hydro Swirls).

Kazuha is the most recommended Anemo teammate in all of Ayato’s non-Dendro teams. He provides a DMG% buff with his A4 Passive, groups enemies with his Skill, and provides good off-field damage with his Burst.

Venti is a strong option in Ayato’s non-Dendro teams, especially Anemo Overvape, Electro-Charged, and Freeze. Venti’s Burst enables Ayato’s Burst’s pseudo-quadratic scaling, which increases his damage. Ayato’s Shunsuiken attacks can also hit fully-lifted enemies within Venti’s Burst.

Sucrose / Heizou
Sucrose and Heizou are good options in Ayato’s Vape, Anemo Overvape, and Electro-Charged teams. They buff team EM and can hold Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers to increase Ayato’s ATK.

Heizou is preferred over Sucrose in Ayato’s Freeze teams.

Lynette is a viable option in Ayato’s non-Dendro teams thanks to her Taunt, minor ATK% buff, and AoE Elemental application (depending on which Element her Burst absorbs).

Jean is a notable teammate in Ayato’s Overvape teams thanks to the “Sunfire” interaction between her Burst and Bennett’s Burst.

Jean is also the recommended Anemo healer in Ayato’s teams with Furina thanks to her teamwide healing.

Sayu is a 4-star alternative to Jean that provides decent healing. However, she cannot enable the “Sunfire” interaction.

Geo teammates are generally not recommended with Ayato; however, they can be viable in a few team archetypes.

Zhongli provides the strongest shield in the game and 20% Universal RES Shred against enemies. He can either hold 4pc Tenacity of the Millelith or 4pc Archaic Petra to further buff Ayato. 

Zhongli is a comfortable replacement for an Anemo character in certain teams if you lack other viable healer or shielder options in the team.

Albedo is an option in Ayato’s Vape and Mono Hydro teams. He pairs well with Zhongli or Yun Jin to enable Geo Resonance in Ayato’s Hypercarry teams.

Yun Jin
Yun Jin generally underperforms with Ayato compared to other teammate options. While her Normal Attack buff seems like a logical choice, it runs out rather quickly in AoE scenarios and is outweighed by other characters’ more powerful damage and buffs.

Electro teammates allow for Hyperbloom, Electro-Charged, and Overvape team compositions.

Fischl is an excellent choice in any of Ayato’s playstyles (except for Freeze), especially at C6. She is a strong flex pick in Hyperbloom teams. She also helps battery a second Electro teammate.

Kuki Shinobu
Kuki Shinobu is an excellent Hyperbloom trigger who also provides valuable healing. She is a comfort pick in Ayato’s Electro-Charged teams.

Raiden is a fantastic Hyperbloom trigger that also buffs Ayato’s Burst damage. She lacks the healing utility of Kuki Shinobu, so a defensive option in the Dendro or flex slot is likely necessary.

Beidou is an excellent option in Electro-Charged teams, especially against 2–3 enemies. Ayato is a very effective driver for her Burst. She is also a great flex pick in Hyperbloom teams.

Yae Miko
Yae Miko is a competitive option in Ayato’s Electro-Charged teams and a good flex option in Hyperbloom teams. However, rotations with Yae Miko can be tricky with Ayato.

Lisa is a low-investment teammate who can provide DEF Shred and hold Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers, which greatly improves Ayato’s damage. 

She is most commonly seen as a second Electro in Hyperbloom and Electro-Charged. She has high ER requirements when she is the sole Electro unit on the team (like in Hypercarry teams).

Pyro teammates enable Vaporize or Burgeon.

Bennett is essential to Ayato’s Vape and Anemo Overvape teams. He provides an excellent Flat ATK buff and strong healing to the on-field character within his Burst radius. He is an excellent Pyro battery for units like Xiangling.

Xiangling is a great option in Ayato’s Vape teams, providing strong Pyro damage and application with her Burst.

While it is possible for Xiangling to be a Burgeon trigger, it is generally not recommended due to her high ER requirements as a solo Pyro unit.

Thoma is the quintessential Burgeon trigger. Ayato’s Shunsuiken attacks can proc Thoma’s Burst and refresh his shield. It is important to meet Thoma’s ER requirements since his Burst is crucial in Burgeon.

Ayato benefits greatly from Hydro teammates since they help lower his ER requirements. They are especially powerful in Burgeon, Mono Hydro, and Hypercarry teams.

Ayato is a great Hydro option in Nilou Bloom teams.

Kokomi is a great healer in Ayato’s Mono Hydro archetype. She is strongly recommended as the healer in Ayato–Furina teams.

Xingqiu provides strong single-target damage and Hydro application with his Burst, as well as some defensive utility with his orbital Rainswords and Hydro RES Shred at C2. Ayato can proc Xingqiu’s sword rain attacks with his Shunsuiken attacks.

Yelan provides strong single-target damage and a ramping DMG% buff to Ayato when he is on-field. Ayato can proc Yelan’s Burst with his Shunsuiken attacks.

Furina is a good option in Ayato’s Mono Hydro and Hypercarry teams, granted there is teamwide healing provided from a unit like Kokomi or Jean.

Candace is a viable option in Ayato’s Mono Hydro teams, providing a Normal Attack DMG Bonus with her Burst. She is preferred over Yun Jin in AoE scenarios since her buff does not have a quota.

Barbara is an accessible Hydro defensive unit in Ayato’s Mono Hydro teams. She is an option in Bloom-related teams if you require additional healing; however, other options generally perform better.

Cryo teammates generally appear in Ayato’s Freeze teams. Two Cryo teammates are required to enable Cryo Resonance.

Rosaria is strongly recommended with Ayato thanks to her strong personal damage and CRIT Rate buff. Her Burst’s small AoE may pose a problem without grouping from characters like Kazuha.

Kaeya is a strong choice in Ayato’s Freeze teams thanks to his personal damage. It is important to position Ayato closer to enemies to ensure Kaeya’s Burst also hits.

Ganyu provides strong AoE damage and a Cryo DMG% buff to her Cryo teammate. Ayato and Ganyu’s Bursts can both scale quadratically, which makes Venti a recommended Anemo option.

Layla provides the second-strongest shield in the game (after Zhongli). She is a viable shield option even outside of Freeze teams.

Diona is a comfort pick in Ayato’s Freeze teams. However, since enemies tend to remain Frozen, she is not as recommended as DPS options like Rosaria, Kaeya, or Ganyu.

Mika doesn’t offer much outside of his Skill’s Attack SPD buff and healing. He is generally not recommended with Ayato since he takes up a team slot from a character who can provide stronger buffs or damage.

Charlotte is a comfort pick in Ayato’s Freeze teams. She is generally not recommended over other Cryo options.


Ayato — Shinobu / Raiden — Dendro — Flex

Ayato performs well in Hyperbloom teams. Ayato’s AoE Hydro application from his Shunsuiken attacks and Burst droplets produce a significant amount of Dendro Cores. 

Kuki Shinobu and Raiden Shogun are the only viable Hyperbloom triggers with Ayato. The flex slot can be an off-field Electro, Dendro, Hydro, or Geo teammate.

Example Teams

This is not a comprehensive list of teams. The inclusion or exclusion of any given team does not necessarily reflect its power level.

Ayato — Shinobu — Nahida — Fischl

This is a great Hyperbloom team. Fischl may occasionally steal Hyperblooms from Shinobu, but Fischl’s personal damage more than makes up for the difference.

Sample Rotation
This team has a flexible rotation. Oz and Shinobu’s Skill just need to be refreshed at consistent intervals. Nahida’s Burst is typically irrelevant.


Ayato — Thoma — Dendro — Flex

Ayato and Thoma Burgeon teams work quite well. Ayato’s AoE Hydro application is helpful in mitigating Burning (which limits Dendro Core production). Ayato’s Shunsuiken attacks proc Thoma’s Burst and refresh his shield. The flex slot is generally a Hydro, Electro, or Dendro teammate.

Example Teams

Ayato — Thoma — Nahida — Fischl

This is one of Ayato’s stronger Burgeon teams. Fischl helps eliminate Burning and provides strong personal damage.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Fischl E > Nahida E N1 Q > Thoma EQ N1 > Ayato E N15 > Fischl Q > Nahida N2 E N2 > Thoma N1 E > Ayato E N15

Ayato — Thoma — Dendro Traveler — Collei

This is a more accessible Burgeon composition. Dendro Traveler’s Burst must first come in contact with Hydro to prevent it from exploding from Thoma’s Pyro application. Collei provides additional Dendro application and enables Dendro Resonance.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Traveler Q ED > Collei E > Thoma Q N1 E > Ayato E N15 > Traveler E N2  > Collei N1 Q E > Thoma E > Ayato E N15

This rotation assumes C1+ Thoma. Depending on how fast you execute the rotation, you may have to fill some downtime with additional Normal Attacks to accommodate Thoma’s Skill cooldown.

Nilou Bloom

Ayato — Nilou — Dendro — Dendro

Ayato works well in Nilou Bloom teams, an archetype that is incredibly strong in AoE scenarios. At least one of the Dendro characters must be a healer. Triple Hydro Nilou Bloom teams with Nahida are generally not recommended.

Example Teams

Ayato — Nilou — Baizhu — Nahida

This is Ayato’s highest-performing Nilou Bloom team (with defensive units). Baizhu provides valuable defensive utility and increases damage from the active character’s Blooms. Nahida provides strong Dendro application, an EM buff, and high personal damage.

Sample Rotation
This team has a generally flexible rotation. Start with Nilou’s Skill and Burst. Use Skills and Bursts when they are available.

Ayato — Nilou — Yaoyao — Dendro Traveler

This is a more accessible Nilou Bloom team. Yaoyao can use her Burst to provide additional healing if necessary.

Sample Rotation
This team has a generally flexible rotation. Start with Nilou’s Skill and Burst. Use Skills and Bursts when they are available.

Anemo Overvape

Ayato — Bennett — Anemo — Electro

Ayato’s Anemo Overvape teams (formerly known as Soup) are incredibly strong in both multi-target and single-target scenarios. Bennett is almost always used thanks to his strong Flat ATK buff, healing, and self-applied Pyro within his Burst (which allows the Anemo unit to absorb Pyro).

Example Teams

Ayato — Bennett — Kazuha — Fischl

This is one of Ayato’s highest-performing teams in both single-target and multi-target scenarios.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Fischl E > Kazuha N1 hEP > Ayato E N15 > Bennett EQ > Fischl Q > Kazuha N1 tEP Q > Ayato E N15

Ayato — Bennett — Jean — Fischl

This team can suffer from “Circle Impact” issues since the on-field character has to stay within both Bennett and Jean’s Bursts to enable the Sunfire effect. As such, it is only recommended in single-target or very-low–AoE scenarios.

Sample Rotation
Bennett EQ > Ayato Q > Fischl E > Jean EQ > Ayato E N15 > Bennett E > Fischl Q > Jean E > Ayato E N15


Ayato — Bennett — Xiangling — Flex

Ayato is a viable Vape DPS in teams with Bennett and Xiangling. He inconsistently sustains Hydro auras on enemies, which means either him or Xiangling will be the Vaporize trigger. An Anemo, Electro, or Geo flex slot is typically recommended.

Example Teams

Ayato — Bennett — Xiangling — Sucrose

This team employs Sucrose’s Guoba Swirl technique to obtain Pyro RES Shred via 4pc Viridescent Venerer.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Bennett Q E > Xiangling E > Sucrose E (Guoba Swirl) > Xiangling Q > Ayato E N15 > Bennett E > Xiangling N2 > Sucrose E > Bennett E > Xiangling E > Ayato E N15

Ayato — Bennett — Xiangling — Fischl

This Ayato Overvape team is incredibly powerful, especially in single-target scenarios. In the latter half of the rotation, Normal Attacks can be used to fill downtime between Ayato’s Skill. In practice, this could also be dashing to a new wave of enemies or waiting for boss invulnerability windows.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Bennett EQ > Fischl N1 E > Xiangling QE > Ayato E N15 > Fischl N2 Q > Bennett N1 E > Xiangling N4 E > Ayato E N15


Ayato — Electro — Electro — Flex

Ayato’s Electro-Charged teams (also known as “Taser” by some) do not actually focus on the reaction. Rather, the Electro-Charged aura maintained on enemies allows Ayato to use Lion’s Roar and enables an Anemo unit to consistently Swirl both Hydro and Electro.

Ayato can opt to use 4pc Thundering Fury in this team composition.

Example Teams

Ayato — Fischl — Beidou — Venti

This team’s rotation assumes Ayato is on 4pc Thundering Fury. On another set, the rotation is extended by a few seconds to accommodate Ayato’s downtime.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Fischl E/Q > Venti EQ > Beidou EQ > Ayato E N15 E N15 > Beidou E > Venti E

Ayato — Yae — Shinobu — Kazuha

Another Electro-Charged option. This rotation does not assume 4pc Thundering Fury.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Shinobu E > Yae 3[E] > Kazuha hEP > Ayato E N15 > Yae Q 3[E] > Shinobu E > Kazuha hEP Q > Ayato E N15

Shinobu’s Skill may come off cooldown a bit later in subsequent rotations, but you can easily swap in and refresh it at any point.


Ayato — Cryo — Cryo — Anemo

Ayato’s Freeze teams generally do not perform as well as his other options. Nonetheless, they are viable in AoE scenarios with enemies that can be Frozen. Ayato can opt to use 4pc Blizzard Strayer; however, his Cryo teammates generally use the set better if you have limited artifact selection.

As an off-field Burst DPS, Ayato underperforms in comparison to Kokomi and Mona.

Example Teams

Ayato — Rosaria — Kaeya — Kazuha

This team’s rotation is quite flexible due to their low cooldowns, and other rotations may be better based on wave content. It is possible to skip Ayato’s Burst every other rotation to accommodate a 15s rotation, which also helps alleviate his ER requirements.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Rosaria E > Kazuha N1 hEP Q > Rosaria Q E > Kaeya E Q > Ayato E N15 > Kaeya E > Rosaria E > Kazuha N1 tEP > Ayato E N15

Ayato — Ganyu — Diona — Venti

This Freeze team trades off between damage and Ayato’s ER requirements. One Charged Shot from Ganyu takes about the same time as 5 of Ayato’s Shunsuiken attacks, but Ganyu’s Charged Shots deal significantly more damage at equal investment. As such, there are 2 possible rotations to accommodate damage or ER requirement considerations.

Sample Rotation (Ganyu 1[C] + Ayato N15)
Diona (Q) hE > Ganyu EQ > Venti EQ > Ayato Q > Ganyu 1[C] > Venti E N1 > Ayato E N15

Sample Rotation (Ganyu 2[C] + Ayato N10)
Diona (Q) hE > Ganyu EQ > Venti EQ > Ayato Q > Ganyu 2[C] > Venti E N1 > Ayato E N10

Mono Hydro and Hypercarry

Ayato — Flex — Flex — Flex

Ayato’s Mono Hydro and Hypercarry teams generally underperform in comparison to his reaction-based teams. However, they can be viable depending on your Ayato’s level of investment and your available teammate selection. Mono Hydro teams in particular help lower all the Hydro teammates’ ER requirements.

Example Teams

Ayato — Furina — Kokomi — Kazuha

This is one of many possible Ayato-Furina teams. Kokomi provides teamwide healing to counteract Furina’s HP drain. Kazuha’s Hydro DMG% buff and 4pc Viridescent Venerer Hydro RES Shred are incredibly powerful. Yelan and Jean together is also a great option.

Sample Rotation
Furina E(D) Q > Kokomi E > Kazuha hEP > Ayato Q > Kazuha Q > Ayato E N15 > Kokomi Q 3[N3D] > Kazuha tEP > Ayato E N15

Ayato — Yelan — Xingqiu — Zhongli

This Mono Hydro team is a comfortable pick that performs well in single-target scenarios. Zhongli should hold 4pc Archaic Petra and pick up Hydro Crystallize shards when possible.

Sample Rotation
(Yelan C) > Zhongli hE > Xingqiu EQ (E) > Ayato E N15 Q > Yelan Q N1 E > Zhongli tE > Ayato E N15

Yelan performs a Charged Attack at the beginning of the first rotation so Zhongli can trigger Hydro Crystallize for 4pc Archaic Petra.

Ayato — Bennett — Candace — Kazuha

This team is not recommended unless you have significant investment into Ayato.

Sample Rotation
Ayato Q > Bennett EQ > Candace EQ > Kazuha N1 tEP Q > Ayato E N15 > Kazuha N1 hEP > Candace E > Ayato E N15


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