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Yoimiya Quick Guide

Updated for Version 5.1

Yoimiya is a 5★ Pyro Bow character in Genshin Impact who focuses on doing single-target Pyro damage via her ranged Normal Attacks. Learn about Yoimiya’s best builds, best weapons, best artifacts, and best teams in this quick guide.

Note that the information given may change if new discoveries are made. More extensive testing is in progress.

The full-length guide is available here.

New Content

Emilie deals high off-field single-target damage in Burning teams. She slots well in Mono Pyro teams with Yoimiya.

Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City
When the holder triggers a reaction, they provide an Elemental DMG% buff to the Elements involved in that reaction. Non-Natlan characters cannot trigger the full 4-piece effect, providing a weaker buff.

Kachina deals low off-field damage but can reliably trigger the full effect of 4pc Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City in double Pyro teams.

Xilonen is a strong buffer and can easily RES Shred Pyro in a Yoimiya team without needing a secondary Pyro unit. However, she usually requires one to buff Yoimiya via 4pc Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City.


Infographic Credits: cuppacote (Designer) | irokei & caxia5 (Content)

Character Overview


  • Decent single-target damage and range
  • Easy gameplay and execution
  • Accessible weapons and flexible artifact set options
  • Diverse team compositions for different scenarios
  • Cutest character in the game
  • Only character in the game that has armpit texture


  • Tough competition in the Pyro DPS role
  • Weaker performance in multi-target scenarios since her damage is strictly single-target
  • High vulnerability to interruption, which favors a strong shield
  • Higher investment requirement for certain teams to be competitive



Yoimiya’s most popular team archetype revolves around using a Hydro character so Yoimiya can Reverse Vaporize her Normal Attacks. This is a beginner and mobile-friendly team composition when played with a shield. An off-field damage dealer or buffer (such as Fischl, Furina or Kazuha), can be included to improve the team’s damage; however, they often come at the expense of a shielder.


With Chevreuse, this composition is competitive with Yoimiya’s Vaporize teams while offering a good comfort-to-damage ratio. Yoimiya’s Overloaded teams focus on her raw Pyro damage with the added bonus of AoE Overloaded damage. As such, her damage is no longer reliant on single-target Hydro application and she can dodge more freely, which leads to better performance in multi-target encounters. Chevreuse provides an ATK% buff and RES Shred for Pyro and Electro characters, at the expense of the team being limited to only these two Elements.

Mono Pyro

This archetype focuses on Yoimiya’s raw Pyro damage while relying on buffs and off-field damage from teammates such as Kazuha, Xiangling, Chiori, or Emilie. These teams are relatively easy and flexible to play.


Talent Priority

Normal Attack >> Skill > Burst

If Yoimiya does not use her Elemental Burst, it does not need to be leveled.

Yoimiya’s Normal Attacks constitute almost all of her damage even when her Elemental Burst is used. The Normal Attack levels improve her damage a lot more than the Elemental Skill levels and thus should be prioritized first.

Talent Overview

Normal Attack

Normal Attack | Firework Flare-Up

Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack
Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, flames will accumulate on the arrowhead before being fired off as an attack. Has different effects based on how long the energy has been charged:

  • Charge Level 1: Fires off a flaming arrow that deals Pyro DMG.
  • Charge Level 2: Generates a maximum of 3 Kindling Arrows based on time spent charging, releasing them as part of this Aimed Shot. Kindling Arrows will home in on nearby opponents, dealing Pyro DMG on hit.

Plunging Attack
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Yoimiya’s Normal Attacks, in her Elemental Skill state, make up the vast majority of her damage — even when she uses her Elemental Burst, her Normal Attacks still account for 92-96% of her damage.

Yoimiya’s Normal Attack string has 5 attacks, with the 1st and 4th being split into 2 hits each, for a total of 7 hits. Her Normal Attacks have standard ICD, meaning Yoimiya can trigger reactions like Vaporize on the 1st, 4th, and 7th hits (N1-1, N3, and N5 respectively). The 7th hit (N5) in particular makes up for 25-30% of her Normal Attack string damage. As a result, Yoimiya wants to perform her complete Normal Attack string, so she often prefers teammates who provide interruption resistance.

Yoimiya’s Charged Shot and Kindling Arrows see minimal use and contribute little to her overall kit.

Elemental Skill

Elemental Skill | Niwabi Fire-Dance

Yoimiya waves a sparkler and causes a ring of saltpeter to surround her.

Niwabi Enshou
During this time, arrows fired by Yoimiya’s Normal Attack will be Blazing Arrows, and their DMG will be increased and converted to Pyro DMG.
During this time, Normal Attack: Firework Flare-Up will not generate Kindling Arrows at Charge Level 2.

This effect will deactivate when Yoimiya leaves the field.

Yoimiya’s Elemental Skill converts her Normal Attacks to Pyro Attacks and multiplies their damage by a percentage that scales with the Elemental Skill’s Talent levels.

The damage Yoimiya does with her Normal Attacks while in Niwabi Fire-Dance is considered Normal Attack DMG, meaning that it can be buffed by other Normal Attack buffs like Rust and Thundering Pulse’s passives.

During the Elemental Skill’s uptime, if Yoimiya performs 3 full Normal Attack strings, she will generate 4-5 Pyro Particles.

Elemental Burst

Elemental Burst | Ryuukin Saxifrage

Yoimiya leaps into the air along with her original creation, the “Ryuukin Saxifrage,” and fires forth blazing rockets bursting with surprises that deal AoE Pyro DMG and mark one of the hit opponents with Aurous Blaze.

Aurous Blaze
All Normal/Charged/Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts by any party member other than Yoimiya that hit an opponent marked by Aurous Blaze will trigger an explosion, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
When an opponent affected by Aurous Blaze is defeated before its duration expires, the effect will pass on to another nearby opponent, who will inherit the remaining duration.

One Aurous Blaze explosion can be triggered every 2s. When Yoimiya is down, Aurous Blaze effects created through her skills will be deactivated.

Yoimiya’s Elemental Burst applies a mark called Aurous Blaze to an enemy. Any damage dealt by Yoimiya’s team members (but not Yoimiya herself), even if they are off-field, can trigger the mark, which causes it to deal AoE Pyro DMG. If the enemy with the mark is defeated, the mark jumps to another nearby enemy. Aurous Blaze can be triggered every 2s but has standard ICD (2.5s/3 hits), meaning it often only applies Pyro every other damage instance.

Yoimiya’s Elemental Burst is fairly subpar. It is an insignificant portion of her damage in most teams (about 4-8%) and has a long animation. Moreover, Aurous Blaze is not applied to any enemy if her Elemental Burst’s initial hit misses, nor does it jump to a new enemy when a new wave spawns.

However, Yoimiya can use her Elemental Burst for other reasons. For example, it can fill rotation downtime, activate Thundering Pulse’s passive (especially if not using 4pc Shimenawa’s Reminiscence), provide i-frames, or apply Pyro without using her Normal Attacks.

Ascension 1 Passive

Ascension 1 Passive | Tricks of the Trouble-Maker

During Niwabi Fire-Dance, shots from Yoimiya’s Normal Attack will increase her Pyro DMG Bonus by 2% on hit. This effect lasts for 3s and can have a maximum of 10 stacks.

Yoimiya’s A1 Passive gives her a 2% Pyro DMG buff when her Normal Attacks hit opponents. Multi-hit attacks give two stacks, so Yoimiya’s 1st and 4th Normal Attacks (2 hits each) give her a 4% Pyro DMG buff. Each stack has a duration of 3s, which is refreshed when a new stack is gained. Yoimiya can obtain a maximum of 10 stacks, which translates to a 20% Pyro DMG buff. This Passive can also boost her Elemental Burst damage while Yoimiya is on-field using her Normal Attacks.

Ascension 4 Passive

Ascension 4 Passive | Summer Night’s Dawn

Using Ryuukin Saxifrage causes nearby party members (not including Yoimiya) to gain a 10% ATK increase for 15s. Additionally, a further ATK Bonus will be added on based on the number of “Tricks of the Trouble-Maker” stacks Yoimiya possesses when using Ryuukin Saxifrage. Each stack increases this ATK Bonus by 1%.

Yoimiya’s A4 Passive provides her teammates with a 10% ATK buff immediately after using her Elemental Burst. An additional 1% ATK Bonus is given for every stack of her A1 Passive, for a total maximum of 20% ATK. If Yoimiya’s teammates are off-field damage dealers who scale with ATK — such as Xingqiu, Fischl, Xiangling, or Beidou — this Passive can slightly buff team damage. Since Yoimiya does not use her Elemental Burst frequently, the damage increase is small on average.


Calcs for Constellation DPS increases can be found here (last updated for Version 4.8).

Constellation 1

Constellation 1 | Agate Ryuukin

The Aurous Blaze created by Ryuukin Saxifrage lasts for an extra 4s.
Additionally, when an opponent affected by Aurous Blaze is defeated within its duration, Yoimiya’s ATK is increased by 20% for 20s.

Increases the duration of her Elemental Burst marker. Also gives a 20% ATK buff to Yoimiya upon defeating an enemy marked with her Burst. Underwhelming Constellation due to her Burst being a small portion of her overall damage and the buff being extremely conditional.

Constellation 2

Constellation 2 | A Procession of Bonfires

When Yoimiya’s Pyro DMG scores a CRIT Hit, Yoimiya will gain a 25% Pyro DMG Bonus for 6s.
This effect can be triggered even when Yoimiya is not the active character.

Gives Yoimiya an almost permanent 25% Pyro DMG buff. This Constellation is the largest DPS increase aside from her C6.

Constellation 3

Constellation 3 | Trickster’s Flare

Increase the Level of Niwabi Fire-Dance by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Yoimiya does not gain much from Talent Levels on her Elemental Skill, making this Constellation rather weak.

Constellation 4

Constellation 4 | Pyrotechnic Professional

When Yoimiya’s own Aurous Blaze triggers an explosion, Niwabi Fire-Dance’s CD is decreased by 1.2.

This effect is only effective if Yoimiya’s Elemental Burst is used consistently and her Elemental Skill cooldown is the limiting factor for the rotation length, which is rarely the case. Generally a small QoL buff in Co-Op and combat events.

Constellation 5

Constellation 5 | A Summer Festival’s Eve

Increases the Level of Ryuukin Saxifrage by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Yoimiya’s Elemental Burst is a very small portion of her damage even when used, making this Constellation rather weak.

Constellation 6

Constellation 6 | Naganohara Meteor Swarm

During Niwabi Fire-Dance, Yoimiya’s Normal Attacks have a 50% chance of firing an extra Blazing Arrow that deals 60% of its original DMG. This DMG is considered Normal Attack DMG.

This is easily Yoimiya’s best Constellation; it gives her anywhere from a 20-30% DPS increase in non-Vaporize teams. Note that since the additional arrow shares ICD with Yoimiya’s Normal Attacks, it can mess up her Vaporize pattern (not being able to Vaporize her 5th attack), leading to around a 12-15% DPS gain instead. For a more detailed explanation, read the Constellations section in the Yoimiya Extended Guide.


  • N = Normal Attack
  • D = dash (cancel)

Yoimiya’s highest damaging combo in most teams is her entire Normal Attack string repeated 3 times. This sequence allows Yoimiya to Vaporize her N1-1, N3 and N5 if not interrupted.

N5DThis combo incorporates dashing to let Yoimiya reposition and dodge enemy attacks. It may also let you fit in a couple of extra Normal Attacks after the 3rd N5.


ER Requirements and Elemental Burst Use

Yoimiya’s Elemental Burst should only be used when it is available (typically every 2 or 3 rotations) or skipped entirely (especially if using 4pc Shimenawa’s Reminiscence). It is not necessary to build ER%.

One notable exception is if using both Thundering Pulse and an artifact set other than 4pc Shimenawa’s Reminiscence. In order to keep the third stack from Thundering Pulse’s passive, Yoimiya should use her Elemental Burst even if it extends the rotation, as it is the only way to decrease Yoimiya’s Energy.

Artifact Stats




Stat Priority: CRIT > ATK% ≥ EM > ER%

EM is desired in teams where Yoimiya triggers Elemental Reactions, except in Pure Overloaded teams. Vaporize teams with Bennett or Yun Jin and Overvape teams with high Electro application (namely, C6 Fischl) will prefer an EM Sands over an ATK% Sands.

We recommend using Genshin Optimizer to compare your actual artifacts.

Artifact Sets

Calcs for artifact set comparisons can be found here (last updated for Version 4.8).

4pc Shimenawa Reminiscence (SR)
4pc Shimenawa’s Reminiscence (SR) is Yoimiya’s most consistent option. While other sets can technically outperform depending on the scenario, 4pc SR is the baseline recommendation for almost all of Yoimiya’s possible teams.

4pc Echoes of an Offering
4pc Echoes of an Offering (Echoes) is the best alternative option. With 4pc Echoes, Yoimiya’s damage may fluctuate, especially on Vaporized hits. The proc rate of the 4-piece effect is affected by ping; the higher the ping, the lower the proc rate. However, the exact losses between different pings have not been investigated in detail.

4pc Crimson Witch of Flames (CW)
4pc Crimson Witch of Flames (CW) is an alternative option that can be used in Vaporize-related teams, but is not worth using otherwise. Yoimiya gains 1 stack of its 4-piece effect in a typical rotation.

4pc Gilded Dreams (GD)
4pc Gilded Dreams (GD) is similar to 4pc CW in usage and performance. It is effective in Vaporize-related teams thanks to the EM it provides, but falls behind otherwise. An ATK% Sands is preferred with this artifact set.

2pc Mixed Sets
2pc Set Bonuses: ATK%, EM, Crimson Witch of Flames, Marechaussee Hunter

These 2pc combinations are great generalist or transitional sets while farming for 4pc SR. Depending on substats, 2-piece mixed sets can even outperform the 4-piece sets.

4pc Marechaussee Hunter
4pc Marechaussee Hunter (MH) is only viable with Furina, but it is by far the best option in such teams. An ATK% or EM Goblet can be viable depending on substats and external buffs.

4pc Retracing Bolide
4pc Retracing Bolide (RB) is not recommended.
It performs worse than 4pc SR even with a shielder. Additionally, 100% shield uptime is not guaranteed in practice, since even Zhongli’s shield can break in the hardest content.


Calcs for weapon comparisons can be found here (last updated for Version 4.8).

Thundering Pulse
Thundering Pulse is Yoimiya’s best option. This is the only 5-star Bow worth pulling for Yoimiya. It is relatively easy to maintain three stacks since Yoimiya’s Elemental Burst is not up frequently. The Energy consumption from 4pc SR also helps maintain stacks.

Aqua Simulacra
Aqua Simulacra is Yoimiya’s 2nd-best 5-star option, performing slightly better than R5 Rust. The passive requires you to be within 8 meters from the enemy, which can be inconvenient against multi-wave content or mobile enemies.

Rust is Yoimiya’s best 4-star weapon at R5, providing a huge 80% Normal Attack DMG Bonus. It performs better than every 5-star Bow except Thundering Pulse and Aqua Simulacra.

Slingshot is a 3-star Bow that performs better than every 4-star Bow except R4+ Rust, on the condition that either Bennett or Yun Jin are in the team. Slingshot can even outperform R5 Rust if Yoimiya is buffed by both Bennett and Yun Jin. Slingshot does have a range requirement, but it is not too difficult to maintain.

The First Great Magic, Skyward Harp, Hunter’s Path, Polar Star
These 5-star weapons provide Yoimiya with some CRIT stats and other offensive buffs. They generally perform close to R5 Slingshot, with The First Great Magic sometimes performing slightly better than R5 Rust.


  • N = Normal Attack
  • C = Charged Attack
  • A = Aimed Shot
  • P = Plunging Attack
  • E = Elemental Skill
  • tE = Tap Skill
  • hE = Hold Skill
  • Q = Elemental Burst
  • D = dash (cancel)
  • J = jump (cancel)
  • W = walk (cancel)
  • > = switch character
  • ( ) = these actions are optional; please refer to the notes below
  • [ ] = repeat these actions the specified number of times


  • Yoimiya’s most used teams revolve around Vaporizing her Normal Attacks using an off-field Hydro. It’s recommended to have a form of interruption resistance in such teams to allow her to Vaporize her N5.
  • When Yoimiya is used with multiple teammates that deal damage from off-field, or when she’s in Mono-Pyro and Overloaded teams, interruptions to her Normal Attack string result in less of a DPS loss but should still be avoided.


Yoimiya — Xingqiu / Yelan — Buffer / Offensive Flex — Defensive Flex

Xingqiu and Yelan’s consistent off-field Hydro application allows Yoimiya to trigger Reverse-Vaporize with her Pyro-converted Normal Attacks, while also contributing their own off-field damage. The last two slots are generally occupied by buffers, off-field damage dealers, or shielders according to preference. A shielder like Zhongli is strongly recommended in order for Yoimiya to properly Vaporize her Normal Attack string. 

Similarly, a second Hydro or an Electro unit can supplement Yoimiya’s damage at the expense of some defensive utility. Double Hydro teams with Furina and an Overvape team with C6 Fischl are such examples. In Overvape teams, the combined Electro and Hydro application enables an Electro-Charged aura on which Yoimiya can trigger Overloaded and Vaporize simultaneously, further improving her damage.

Yoimiya teams can sacrifice shielding for more offensive options if the player is skilled enough or if Yoimiya contributes a lower portion of team damage. Replacing the shielder with an Anemo unit or Xilonen leads to one of Yoimiya’s highest damage ceiling teams, provided you can maintain Yoimiya’s Normal Attack Vaporize sequence. To trigger 4pc Viridescent Venerer or 4pc Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City in such teams, a second Pyro unit, like Bennett, who applies Pyro earlier in the rotation is often required.

Notable Teammates

Primary Off-Field Hydro

Hydro units who provide good off-field damage and consistent Hydro application.

Yelan provides strong off-field Hydro damage, especially in Double Hydro teams, and a ramping DMG% buff to Yoimiya. Her cooldowns enable perfectly loopable rotations without any downtime (in contrast to Xingqiu). In solo Hydro teams where she only uses one Elemental Skill, her ER requirements are extremely high.

Xingqiu is a more defense-oriented alternative to Yelan. He provides interruption resistance, damage reduction, minor healing, and stronger Hydro application at C6 (compared to C0 Yelan). His longer cooldowns are often a downside for rotation length.

Strong Buffers

Units who significantly buff Yoimiya’s damage.

Bennett provides a strong Flat ATK buff, a self-applied Pyro aura that is useful for VV setups, and healing for the on-field character. Yoimiya’s combo usually incorporates dashes, which allows her to stay in Bennett’s Elemental Burst comfortably.

Yun Jin
Yun Jin provides a potent Normal Attack buff (Additive Base DMG Bonus to Normal Attacks). Her buff is comparable to Bennett’s at equal Constellation levels but this only applies to Double Geo Vaporize. Additionally, Yun Jin is unable to buff other off-field damage dealers in the team like Fischl or Beidou. Yun Jin faces drastically higher ER requirements if she’s the only Geo unit in the team.

Furina provides off-field damage and a strong teamwide DMG% buff while requiring the team to run a healer (Xilonen and Bennett are the two notable ones). Furina’s Hydro application is inconsistent as the sole Hydro unit in the team; hence, she is usually paired with a second Hydro unit like Xingqiu or Yelan.

Off-Field DPS

Units who mostly provide good off-field damage and/or some utility.



Yae Miko





Units who provide interruption resistance via a shield.





RES Shred Characters

Units who provide RES Shred. Anemo units should hold 4pc Viridescent Venerer.






Example Teams

This is not a comprehensive list of teams. The inclusion or exclusion of any given team does not necessarily reflect its power level.

Yoimiya — Yelan — Yun Jin — Zhongli

A comfortable Vaporize team where Yoimiya has access to a lot of buffs including Yelan’s ramping DMG% buff, Yun Jin’s Normal Attack buff, Geo Resonance, and any buffing set Zhongli holds. Zhongli’s shield also universally shreds RES of nearby enemies, which both Yoimiya and Yelan can take advantage of.

Sample Rotation
(Yoimiya Q) > Zhongli hED > Yelan EQ > Yun Jin EQ > Yoimiya E combo > Yun Jin E
Yoimiya — Yelan — Kaedehara Kazuha — Bennett

A Vaporize team that greatly enhances Yoimiya’s personal damage output at the cost of interruption resistance. The rotation is easy to execute apart from performing Yoimiya’s full combo, as she can easily get staggered, leading to a big DPS loss. If you find yourself struggling, you may have more success with a shielded Vaporize team.

Sample Rotation
Yelan EQ > Bennett Q > Kazuha hEP > Yoimiya E combo > Kazuha tEP > Bennett E
Yoimiya — Yelan — Furina — Xilonen

A Double Hydro Vaporize team with Furina where all 3 of Yoimiya, Yelan and Furina deal a similar amount of damage. This alleviates the issue of Yoimiya losing a lot of damage by being interrupted during her Normal Attack string. Xilonen RES Shreds nearby enemies and provides a 40% DMG buff to Hydro characters in the team via 4pc Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City.

Sample Rotation
Xilonen Q > Furina ED Q > (Yoimiya Q)1 > Xilonen E N2 > Yelan Q N1 E > Yoimiya E combo > Yelan E

1Use if available.
Yoimiya — Xingqiu — C6 Fischl — Bennett

An accessible Overvape team where Yoimiya triggers both Vaporize and Overloaded. Fischl’s C6 enables a constant Electro-Charged aura as solo Electro and Yoimiya acts as both a damage dealer and a driver for her C6.

Sample Rotation
Xingqiu ED Q (E) > Bennett EQ > (Yoimiya Q)1 > Fischl Q/E > Yoimiya E combo > Bennett E

1Use if available and if not holding 4pc SR.


Yoimiya — Electro — Electro / Pyro — Chevreuse

Chevreuse makes Overloaded teams a highly competitive archetype for Yoimiya, provided the team consists of only Pyro and Electro units. Her ability to conveniently shred both Pyro and Electro RES from off-field is especially valuable against enemies whom it is difficult to set-up Swirls for and in multi-wave scenarios. Moreover, against enemies with an innate Hydro aura, Overloaded teams transform into Overvape teams, significantly boosting in performance.

Yoimiya does not Vaporize her Normal Attack string in this archetype; as such, she can dash during her combo without losing significant damage. Using Bennett over a Pyro shielder is highly recommended, as dodging is not a significant damage loss and he more than makes up for it with his massive Flat ATK buff

Notable Teammates

Chevreuse is a key component of Overloaded teams. Teams that exclude her are not covered due to their low damage output.

Chevreuse provides an ATK% buff to the team, some healing for the on-field character, and Pyro and Electro RES shred from off-field.

At C6, Chevreuse provides an instance of teamwide healing and a Pyro and Electro DMG% buff to healed teammates.

Off-Field Electro

Electro units who provide consistent off-field Electro application alongside their own damage or buffs.

Fischl provides strong off-field Electro damage and consistent single-target Electro application, thanks to her A4 Passive and C6. Yoimiya is also one of the best drivers for Fischl’s C6, since each of Yoimiya’s 5 Normal Attacks trigger an additional attack from Oz.

Fischl’s high particle generation lowers ER requirements for non-Electro teammates by 5–10%. She is also a valuable battery for other Electro units, if used.


Yae Miko


Raiden Shogun


Pyro units who complement Yoimiya with buffing, defensive utility, or damage.




Example Teams

This is not a comprehensive list of teams. The inclusion or exclusion of any given team does not necessarily reflect its power level.

Yoimiya — Fischl — Bennett — Chevreuse

A strong and accessible Overloaded team that sacrifices defensive utility for Bennett’s strong buff. Both Yoimiya and Fischl benefit from Bennett’s Flat ATK buff, Chevreuse’s various buffs and debuffs as well as Pyro Resonance.

Sample Rotation (Healer Build Chevreuse)
(Fischl E)1 > Chevreuse Q hE > (Yoimiya Q)2 > Bennett Q E > Fischl N1 E/Q > Yoimiya E combo > Bennett E

1,2First rotation only.

Sample Rotation (DPS Build Chevreuse)
(Fischl E)1 > Bennett EQ > Chevreuse Q 3[hE]2 > Fischl N1 E/Q > Yoimiya E combo (Q)3

1First rotation only.
2Use one Hold Skill if pre-C4 Chevreuse.
3Use if available. You can also start with “Fischl E > Yoimiya Q” in the first rotation.

Mono Pyro

Yoimiya — Bennett — Pyro/Anemo/Geo/Dendro — Pyro/Anemo/Geo/Dendro

Yoimiya’s Mono Pyro teams prioritize different buffs or off-field damage rather than Vaporized Normal Attacks. This archetype is much more forgiving to play since interrupting Yoimiya’s Normal Attack string is less devastating to team DPS. Setups to trigger 4pc Viridescent Venerer (VV), 4pc Archaic Petra (AP) and 4pc Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City (Scroll) are much easier since Pyro is the only aura.

Against enemies with an innate Hydro aura, Mono Pyro teams transform into Vaporize, significantly boosting in performance. However, this also hinders Pyro Swirls and Crystallizes, restricting corresponding buffs.

Notable Teammates

Bennett is not always required for Mono Pyro teams; however, he is often the best and most consistent option.

Bennett provides a strong Flat ATK buff and healing for the on-field character. Yoimiya’s combo usually incorporates dashes, which allows her to stay in Bennett’s Elemental Burst comfortably.

Off-Field DPS / Utility

Units who mostly provide good off-field damage and/or some utility.

Furina’s strong teamwide DMG% buff and off-field damage with slow Hydro application, allow her to be used in the Mono Pyro archetype despite being a Hydro unit. With a Dendro or another Pyro unit in the team, Furina’s Elemental Skill occasionally triggers Forward Vaporize, improving her personal damage. She is the only Hydro worth running in this archetype.






Yun Jin

RES Shred Characters

Units who provide RES Shred. Anemo units should hold 4pc Viridescent Venerer.




Other Anemo

Example Teams

This is not a comprehensive list of teams. The inclusion or exclusion of any given team does not necessarily reflect its power level.

Yoimiya — Bennett — Chiori — Zhongli

A comfortable Double Geo Mono Pyro team where Yoimiya and Chiori both contribute to team damage while having access to both Pyro and Geo Resonance alongside Zhongli’s universal RES Shred. Zhongli can hold 4pc AP to provide a Pyro DMG Bonus to Yoimiya or 4pc Scroll to provide a smaller Pyro and Geo DMG Bonus to both Yoimiya and Chiori.

Sample Rotation
Bennett E > Zhongli hED1 > Chiori 2[E] > Bennett Q E > Yoimiya E combo > (Yoimiya/Chiori Q)2

1Pick up Pyro Crystallize shard if holding 4pc AP.
2Use either Elemental Burst if available.
Yoimiya — Bennett — Emilie — Kaedehara Kazuha

A Burning team where Yoimiya and Emilie both contribute to team damage while having access to Pyro Resonance. Kazuha’s DMG% buff and Pyro RES Shred improve Yoimiya’s damage, while his grouping lets Emilie deal significant AoE damage with her Elemental Burst.

Sample Rotation
Bennett Q E > Emilie E > Kazuha Q > Yoimiya E combo > Bennett E > Yoimiya Q >Bennett Q E > Emilie Q > Kazuha tEP > Yoimiya E combo > Bennett E > Kazuha tEP


Quick Guide Contributors: Lesterberne, nickjr, mishkaxp, caxia5, idkanonymized, staryy_, frankdgaf, .reimu., nikatosaurus, Leah, chasing_haze

Extended Guide Contributors: irokei, mishkaxp, caxia5, nociii, luno_, edisonsmathsclub, ayzel, cuzimori, rockidayo, euphorysm, jan, leahCalculations, latiwings, reens and davjac123

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