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Freminet Quick Guide

Updated for Version 4.3
Freminet Genshin Impact

Freminet is a 4-star Cryo Claymore character in Genshin Impact who deals a unique mix of on-field Cryo and Physical damage while taking advantage of the Shatter reaction. Learn about Freminet’s best builds, artifacts, weapons, teams, and Talent priority in this quick guide.

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Tidal Shadow
Fontaine Craftable Claymore

Tidal Shadow can be worthwhile if Freminet’s team has an off-field healer. However, Prototype Archaic or Snow-Tombed Starsilver should be used in other cases as your free-to-play option.

Talking Stick
New Battle Pass Claymore

Talking Stick is not a good option for Freminet compared to free options. The only consistent triggers for the passive effect are Beidou and Bennett, characters not commonly used with Freminet.

Go with Serpent Spine if you want a Battle Pass weapon.

Golden Troupe
New Artifact Set

4pc Golden Troupe performs on par with 2pc + 2pc ATK% combinations. However, 4pc Pale Flame or 4pc Blizzard Strayer should still be your goal.

Hydro Traveler
Hydro Traveler and Freminet should not be played together for a variety of reasons. Please use literally any other character with off-field Hydro application.


Credits to: cuppacote and KQM Staff

Character Overview


Physical DPS

His standard build, Physical Freminet prioritizes reaching Level 4 Shattering Pressure by weaving Normal Attacks between Skill uses.

Cryo DPS

Cryo Freminet’s playstyle revolves around spamming his Skill to dish out as many Level 0 Shattering Pressure instances as possible within his Burst duration.

Hyperbloom Driver

Freminet is a viable Hyperbloom driver. He benefits from the Hyperbloom trigger’s Electro application (for Superconduct), and he can trigger Shatter thanks to the Hydro character.


Level and Talent Priority

Talent Priority
Skill > Normal Attack >>> Burst

Freminet’s Skill should be leveled first to boost his Shattering Pressure damage. His Normal Attacks are also heavily used to increase the level of Shattering Pressure. As a Physical DPS, his Normal Attack Talent accounts for roughly a third of his damage, while as a Cryo DPS it accounts for roughly 10%. Freminet’s Burst is used mainly to activate the Subnautical Hunter state, whose duration does not increase with Talent levels.

Talent Overview

Normal Attack
Normal Attack | Flowing Eddies

Normal Attack
Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack
Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous spinning attacks against all nearby opponents.
At the end of the sequence, performs a more powerful slash.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Freminet weaves Normal Attacks between his Skill uses to boost the level of Shattering Pressure. They provide roughly a third of his total damage in a Physical DPS playstyle.

Elemental Skill
Elemental Skill | Pressurized Floe

Performs an upward thrust that deals Cryo DMG and causes Freminet to enter Pers Timer for 10s.

While Pers Timer is active, his Elemental Skill will turn into Shattering Pressure.

Shattering Pressure
Executes different sorts of attacks based on the Pressure Level of Pers Timer, and then cancels Pers Timer.

  • Level 0: Unleashes a vertical cut, dealing Cryo DMG.
  • Levels 1 to 3: Unleashes a vertical cut alongside Pers, dealing Cryo DMG and Physical DMG. DMG dealt scales based on Pressure Level.
  • Level 4: Borrows the power of a fully-pressurized Pers to deal Physical DMG. Meanwhile, Normal Attack: Flowing Eddies will be replaced by Shattering Pressure.

Pers Timer
When Freminet uses Normal Attacks, he will also unleash waves of frost that deal Cryo DMG and increase Pers’s Pressure Level.

The accompanying Cryo DMG dealt this way is considered Elemental Skill DMG.

Arkhe: Pneuma
At certain intervals, after using the upward thrust, a Spiritbreath Thorn in the form of another upward thrust will be created, dealing Pneuma-aligned Cryo DMG.

Freminet’s Elemental Skill is the core of his kit. Upon cast, Freminet enters the Pers Timer state which causes a pressure gauge to appear at Pressure Level 0. In this state, each Normal Attack deals coordinated Cryo and/or Physical damage and increases his Pressure Level by one until the gauge reaches Pressure Level 4.

Activating Freminet’s Skill again or using a Normal Attack at Pressure Level 4 ends the Pers Timer state and causes him to unleash Shattering Pressure. The damage of Shattering Pressure is dependent on the Pressure Level. Each level of Shattering Pressure increases the proportion of Physical DMG dealt and decreases the proportion of Cryo DMG dealt. When executing combos, either consistently cast Level 4 Shattering Pressure (Physical build) or consistently cast Level 0 Shattering Pressure (Cryo build).

Freminet’s Skill also deals Pneuma-aligned Cryo DMG once every 9s, so it is possible to reach up to two procs if he is on-field for his Burst’s entire duration.

Elemental Burst
Elemental Burst | Shadowhunter’s Ambush

Unleashes a wave of untouchable cold, dealing AoE Cryo DMG, resetting the CD of the Elemental Skill “Pressurized Floe,” and causing Freminet to enter the Subnautical Hunter mode for 10s.

While in Subnautical Hunter mode, Freminet’s resistance to interruption will increase, and his Elemental Skill “Pressurized Floe” will obtain the following buffs:

  • CD is decreased by 70%.
  • Normal Attacks will increase the Pers Timer by 1 additional Pressure Level, and the frost released by his Normal Attacks deal 200% of their original DMG.

These effects will be canceled when Freminet leaves the field.

Casting Freminet’s Burst resets his Skill cooldown and causes him to enter the Subnautical Hunter mode. For its 10s duration, Freminet’s Skill cooldown is decreased by 70% and his Cryo coordinated attack damage doubles. 

Every Normal Attack performed under Pers Timer and Subnautical Hunter (Skill and Burst states) increases the Pressure Level by 2. This allows Freminet to reach Level 4 Shattering Pressure with only two Normal Attacks.

Ascension 1 Passive
Ascension 1 Passive | Saturation Deep Dive

When Freminet unleashes Pressurized Floe: Shattering Pressure, if Pers Timer has yet to reach Pressure Level 4, the CD of Pressurized Floe will be decreased by 1s.

Freminet’s A1 Passive shortens his Skill cooldown by 1s if he has not reached Pressure Level 4. Combined with his Burst, he can churn out many instances of Shattering Pressure, most notably in his Cryo DPS playstyle.

Ascension 4 Passive
Ascension 4 Passive | Parallel Condensers

When Freminet triggers Shatter against opponents, the DMG dealt by Pressurized Floe: Shattering Pressure will be increased by 40% for 5s.

Freminet’s A4 Passive greatly increases the damage dealt by Shattering Pressure after he triggers Shatter. This uniquely encourages the inclusion of off-field Hydro appliers in his teams to frequently Shatter Frozen enemies. 

Utility Passive
Utility Passive | Deepwater Navigation

Decreases Aquatic Stamina consumption for your own party members by 35%.

Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Freminet decreases underwater Stamina consumption by 35%, making Fontaine exploration more enjoyable.


Constellation 1
Constellation 1 | Dreams of the Foamy Deep

The CRIT Rate of Pressurized Floe: Shattering Pressure will be increased by 15%.

Freminet’s C1 only increases the CRIT Rate of his Skill’s coordinated attack damage, providing a small buff to his overall damage output.

Constellation 2
Constellation 2 | Penguins and the Land of Plenty

Unleashing Pressurized Floe: Shattering Pressure will restore 2 Energy to Freminet. If a Pressure Level 4 Shattering Pressure is unleashed, this will restore 3 Energy.

This Constellation lowers Freminet’s ER requirements by 20–25% and allows him to invest into more offensive stats. The net Energy gained is roughly the same for either playstyle (Physical or Cryo).

Constellation 3
Constellation 3 | Song of the Eddies and Bleached Sands

Increases the Level of Normal Attack: Flowing Eddies by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Freminet’s Normal Attacks contribute a good portion of his overall damage in a Physical DPS playstyle. This Constellation is far less valuable in a Cryo DPS playstyle.

Constellation 4
Constellation 4 | Dance of the Snowy Moon and Flute

When Freminet triggers Frozen, Shatter, or Superconduct against opponents, his ATK will be increased by 9% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. This can be triggered once every 0.3s.

In most teams, Freminet keeps consistent uptime on his C4’s 18% ATK boost.

Constellation 5
Constellation 5 | Nights of Hearth and Happiness

Increases the Level of Pressurized Floe by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Freminet’s Skill comprises the majority of his overall damage in both of his playstyles, which makes his C5 quite valuable.

Constellation 6
Constellation 6 | Moment of Waking and Resolve

When Freminet triggers Frozen, Shatter, or Superconduct against opponents, his CRIT DMG will be increased by 12% for 6s. Max 3 stacks. This can be triggered once every 0.3s.

Freminet’s final Constellation basically gives him a free 36% CRIT DMG buff since he consistently triggers the aforementioned reactions. 


N = Normal Attack
E = Elemental Skill
Q = Elemental Burst

The following combos should be done during Freminet’s Burst state in order to minimize his Skill’s cooldown. You should use his Skill before his Burst since his Burst resets the Skill cooldown immediately.

N2 2[E N2 E N1]Physical DPS Combo during Burst

Weaving N1s in between each combo can help deal extra Physical damage during his Skill’s downtime.

Alternatively, you can perform EN3 (N1) since a Normal Attack at Pressure Level 4 also ends the Pers Timer state.
4[EE N1]Cryo DPS Combo during Burst

Most optimal combo for Freminet’s Cryo playstyle. There is a ~0.5s window to weave in a Normal Attack after a Level 0 Shattering Pressure.

5[EE N1] is almost impossible without incredibly precise inputs and ideal enemy scenarios. It is still possible with C2 Chongyun, however.


ER Requirements

Physical (with Fischl)PhysicalCryo
Single Cryo150–170%175-195%180-200%
Double Cryo135–150%155-170%160-175%
Triple Cryo140-160%

Assumptions: Cryo DPS ER requirements are calculated on 4[EE N1] during Burst.

  • C2: Freminet’s C2 reduces his ER requirements by roughly 25% in a Physical DPS playstyle and 30% in a Cryo DPS playstyle. 
  • Favonius: Each teammate’s Favonius proc lowers his ER requirements by about 15–25%, depending on who catches the particles and how high Freminet’s requirements are to begin with.
  • Double Electro: If another Electro character is used alongside Fischl in a Physical DPS team, then Freminet’s ER requirements are lowered by roughly 10%.

Use the Energy Recharge Calculator to determine exact requirements for your team and rotation.

Artifact Stats



ATK% or ER%Physical or Cryo DMG BonusCRIT Rate or CRIT DMG

Substats: ER (until requirements) > CRIT > ATK%

An ER% Sands should be used in either playstyle unless he is holding Skyward Pride or if there is significant particle generation from Fischl, multiple Cryo teammates, or multiple Favonius weapon users. If his effective ER requirements are lower than 150%, then an ATK% Sands can be used, assuming you have enough ER% substats.

With 4-piece Blizzard Strayer and Cryo Resonance, Freminet should not have more than 65% CRIT Rate to avoid overcapping.

It is not recommended to build Freminet on full EM artifacts in an attempt to boost his Shatter damage since the reaction deals underwhelming damage regardless of his build. Freminet only uses Shatter to boost his other damage.

Artifact Sets

Physical Build

4pc Pale Flame (PF)
4pc Pale Flame is Freminet’s Best-in-Slot artifact set for a Physical DPS playstyle. He easily maintains full uptime on its set effect.

2pc + 2pc
Physical + Phys / Emblem / ATK% / EM
Any of these 2pc combos perform 5–10% worse than 4pc Pale Flame, but they may be more efficient to farm and easier to obtain good substats. Use these as transitional sets as you work towards a full 4pc Pale Flame set.

2pc Emblem of Severed Fate is only valuable if you lack ER substats to meet Freminet’s ER requirements. 2pc EM artifact sets can be used if they have better substats. That said, do not build full EM.

Cryo Build

4pc Blizzard Strayer (BS)
4pc Blizzard Strayer is Freminet’s Best-in-Slot artifact set for a Cryo DPS playstyle. 

Due to the underlying mechanics of Shatter, Freminet unfortunately cannot gain the additional 20% CRIT Rate against Frozen enemies. Therefore, Freminet’s effective CRIT Rate cap on this set should be 65% (with Cryo Resonance).

4pc Golden Troupe (GT)
Do not farm this set specifically for Freminet. It should only be an option if you are already farming the domain for someone else.

4pc Golden Troupe performs roughly on par with a 2pc ATK% + 2pc ATK% combo. However, because Freminet has no off-field damage potential, he cannot make full use of the 4pc set effect’s additional 25% Skill DMG.

2pc + 2pc
BS + ATK% / Emblem / GT
2pc Blizzard Strayer combos perform roughly 7-10% worse than the 4pc set. You can use these as a transitional set as you aim for a full 4pc Blizzard Strayer set.

2pc Emblem of Severed Fate can be preferred since Freminet has high ER requirements in a Cryo DPS playstyle.


Physical Build

Skyward Pride
Skyward Pride is Freminet’s Best-in-Slot option before C2 (since he no longer needs as much ER). Its Base ATK, Energy Recharge secondary stat, DMG% buff, and vacuum blades make it superior to other options. Skyward Pride’s vacuum blades benefit from Physical RES Shred (such as Superconduct).

Serpent Spine
At R5, Serpent Spine is Freminet’s best 4-star option. At R1, it is slightly better than his free-to-play options.

Song of Broken Pines
A great option for Freminet if you have it. The ATK SPD buff does not change his combos within his Burst state.

Beacon of the Reed Sea / Redhorn Stonethresher
These 5-star options perform better than R1 Serpent Spine but worse than R5 Serpent Spine. They are good stat sticks if you have them.

Wolf’s Gravestone / The Unforged
These 5-star options are worse stat sticks than the aforementioned options and perform just slightly better than his free-to-play options. Wolf’s Gravestone’s passive is unreliable.

Prototype Archaic / Snow-Tombed Starsilver
Prototype Archaic is Freminet’s preferred free-to-play option for both playstyles. On a Physical build, it performs just as well as Snow-Tombed Starsilver. Full refinements net a small personal damage increase.

Tidal Shadow
Tidal Shadow can be worthwhile if Freminet’s team has an off-field healer. However, Prototype Archaic or Snow-Tombed Starsilver should be used in other cases as your free-to-play option.

Favonius Greatsword
Favonius Greatsword is not a good option for Freminet’s personal damage, but its particle generation helps lower ER requirements for everyone on the team. Only use it if you’re focusing on your off-field characters’ DPS. In a typical rotation, he can get 2 procs off at R5.

Cryo Build

Serpent Spine
Freminet’s Best-in-Slot Cryo DPS option at R5. At R1, it performs as well as his 5-star options. This also assumes you’re using an ER% Sands at C0.

Skyward Pride
Skyward Pride performs just slightly worse than Serpent Spine R5 and Wolf’s Gravestone without its passive. It lets you run an ATK% Sands at C0.

Wolf’s Gravestone
Wolf’s Gravestone performs on par with Skyward Pride and is a better option at C2+. Its passive effect is unreliable and dependent on enemy health, but when it is active this weapon is considerably better.

Other 5-Star Claymores
The Unforged / Redhorn Stonethresher / Beacon of the Reed Sea

5-star stat sticks that perform as well as R1 Serpent Spine.

Prototype Archaic
Freminet’s preferred free-to-play option for both playstyles. Full refinements provide a very small personal damage increase.

Tidal Shadow
Tidal Shadow can be used if the team has an off-field healer. However, Prototype Archaic should be used in other cases as your free-to-play option.

Favonius Greatsword
Favonius Greatsword is not a good option for Freminet’s personal damage, but its particle generation helps lower ER requirements for everyone on the team. Only use it if you’re focusing on your off-field characters’ DPS. In a typical rotation, he can get 2 procs off at R5.

You should not use The Bell on Freminet. While it is included in his official artwork and videos, it is terrible.


This is not a comprehensive list of teams. The inclusion or exclusion of any given team does not necessarily reflect its power level.


  • Freminet wants a Hydro unit to trigger Shatter and boost his Shattering Pressure damage.
  • He also wants a second Cryo unit to alleviate his ER requirements and provide buffs or other utility (such as Cryo Resonance).
  • The fourth team slot changes depending on whether Freminet is on a Physical or Cryo DPS build.
  • Favonius weapons are highly recommended on your other teammates to lower Freminet’s ER requirements, especially at C0–C1.

Physical DPS Freminet

Freminet — Hydro — Electro — Cryo / Flex

Freminet’s standard team includes a Hydro unit to Freeze enemies and an Electro unit to trigger Superconduct. The flex spot is typically another Cryo unit to supply Freminet with Energy, but a non-Cryo option may be viable if ER requirements are met otherwise.

Notable Teammates

Hydro Options:
Xingqiu, Yelan, Kokomi, Furina
These characters provide off-field Hydro application to Freeze enemies during Freminet’s Burst and allow him to Shatter.

Electro Options:
Fischl, Kuki Shinobu, Yae Miko, Raiden Shogun, Beidou
These off-field Electro appliers trigger Superconduct to shred enemy Physical RES.

Cryo Options:
Shenhe, Layla, Rosaria, Kaeya, Mika, Diona
Cryo supports lower Freminet’s ER requirements, allowing him to build more offensive stats. They also provide personal damage, various buffs, and help keep enemies Frozen.

Other Options:
Bennett (pre-C6), Zhongli
All around great support and defensive options. Make sure to place Zhongli’s Stele away from enemies to prevent him from stealing Shatters from Freminet.

Example Teams

Freminet — Xingqiu — Fischl — Layla

This team allows Freminet to proc Xingqiu’s Burst and Fischl’s coordinated attacks. Layla provides an excellent shield and batteries Freminet.

Freminet — Xingqiu — Fischl — Beidou

Freminet is a viable Beidou driver in this “Taser” variant. Xingqiu and Beidou’s combined damage reduction greatly improves survivability.

Freminet — Yelan — Kuki Shinobu — Shenhe

Yelan boosts Freminet’s damage significantly while he is on-field through her A4 Passive. Kuki Shinobu provides good Electro application and healing. Shenhe buffs all aspects of Freminet’s kit; she should use her Tap Skill to buff Freminet’s Skill damage.

Freminet — Kokomi — Yae Miko — Rosaria

Kokomi provides just enough AoE Hydro application for Freminet to consistently trigger Shatter. Yae Miko should use her Burst whenever it’s up. Rosaria’s CRIT Rate buff and Physical RES Shred (at C6) boost Freminet’s damage considerably.

Cryo DPS Freminet

Freminet — Cryo — Hydro — Anemo

Cryo DPS Freminet maximizes his Level 0 Shattering Pressure damage by employing an Anemo support to hold 4pc Viridescent Venerer.

Notable Teammates

Cryo Options:
Shenhe, Layla, Rosaria, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona
These units serve as Cryo batteries to lower Freminet’s ER requirements, allowing him to build more offensively. 

Chongyun can infuse Freminet’s Normal Attacks with Cryo. Furthemore, Chongyun’s C2 shortens Freminet’s Skill cooldown, which allows him to get off an extra Level 0 Shattering Pressure during his Burst.

Hydro Options:
Xingqiu, Yelan, Kokomi, Furina
These characters provide great off-field Hydro application to Freeze enemies during Freminet’s Burst and allow him to Shatter.

Anemo Options:
Kazuha, Jean, Sayu, Heizou, Sucrose, Lynette
Anemo units shred enemy Cryo RES with 4pc Viridescent Venerer’s 4pc set effect. Kazuha most notably increases Freminet’s Cryo DMG with his A4 Passive. Other options can provide healing, grouping, or ATK% buffs.

Example Teams

Freminet — Rosaria — Kokomi — Kazuha

Rosaria’s CRIT Rate buff and particle generation are valuable for Freminet. Kokomi provides enough AoE Hydro application to allow Freminet to consistently trigger Shatter. Kazuha should hold Favonius Sword or high-refinement Xiphos’ Moonlight.

Freminet — Chongyun — Xingqiu — Kazuha

Chongyun’s Skill infuses Freminet’s Normal Attack with Cryo and shortens his Skill cooldown (if Chongyun is C2+), which lets Freminet cast an extra Level 0 Shattering Pressure during his Burst. Xingqiu provides consistent off-field Hydro application. Kazuha should hold Favonius Sword or a high-refinement Xiphos’ Moonlight.

Freminet — Layla — Xingqiu — Lynette

Layla provides great particle generation, shielding, and off-field Cryo application to maintain Freeze. Freminet’s frequent Skill uses boost Layla’s damage and particle generation. Lynette’s ATK% buff and taunt are nice.

Freminet — Shenhe — Yelan — Jean

Shenhe should use her Tap Skill to buff Freminet’s Skill damage. Yelan provides great single-target Hydro application and a good damage buff. Jean provides healing.

Hyperbloom Driver Freminet

Freminet Hyperbloom
Freminet — Dendro — Hydro — Electro

Freminet is a viable on-field driver for Hyperbloom teams. He can still trigger Shatter and benefit from Superconduct. As usual, all three teammates must be off-field units. Freminet’s ER requirements are usually on the high end since he is the only Cryo unit.

Notable Teammates

Dendro Options:
Nahida, Dendro Traveler, Baizhu, Collei
Dendro units with persistent off-field Dendro application are required to make Hyperbloom work. Nahida is the best option.

Hydro Options:
Xingqiu, Yelan, Kokomi, Furina
These characters provide great off-field Hydro application to produce Dendro Cores and Freeze enemies during Freminet’s Burst and allow him to Shatter.

Electro Options:
Kuki Shinobu, Raiden Shogun, Fischl, Yae Miko
An Electro character is necessary to trigger Hyperbloom. Kuki Shinobu and Raiden Shogun are usually the best options here, but Fischl and Yae Miko can also work!

Example Teams

Freminet — Nahida — Xingqiu — Kuki Shinobu
Freminet — Nahida — Xingqiu — Kuki Shinobu

Nahida provides strong off-field Dendro application. Xingqiu deals great Hydro damage and produces Dendro Cores. Kuki Shinobu serves as both a Hyperbloom trigger and a healer.

Freminet — Baizhu — Furina — Fischl
Freminet — Baizhu — Furina — Fischl

This team actually focuses more on personal damage than Hyperbloom damage. Furina provides a DMG% buff with her Burst. Baizhu counteracts Furina’s teamwide HP drain and provides a buff to Aggravate and Hyperbloom. Fischl lowers the team’s ER requirements and deals fantastic damage.


cuppacote, irokei, .athene., snowclipsed,, chasing_haze, nikatosaurus, leifa, polomo

Team images courtesy of the KQM portrait generator.

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